Parkway Drive Cover - (X3,DFHS)

OK, find a way of replacing that snare with one that isn't so horrible. Guitars are quite scooped, maybe don't scoop them so much in future. Kick is a bit too high in the mix.

As for the loudness, theres a lot of stuff going on in the really low end, try highpassing at 35 hz with a fairly steep filter. Also, find a software clipping simulator for mac and use that on the drum buss and master buss. Also use W1 limiter which is available for mac.

Really though, focus on a better balanced mix, not loudness at this stage, a loud mix doesn't make a good mix. You don't have that far to go tbh.

Also, turn the gain down on the guitars and high pass them at 80hz with a relatively soft curve :)

I downloaded both the mac PPC and audio unit versions and extracted them to my component folder, but the file in the audio unit folder isnt a .component..its a unix file.. wtf? i cant find it in my list of audio units in logic also... does anybody else that has a mac and has this plugin know how to install it properly?

thats the main guitars left and right...thats how they sound straight from the pod with just the impulse.. no other e.q/compression

I think the guitartone has potential! But like Joematthews said, don't scoop them so much. They also feel a little bit overgained. You should turn the gain a little bit down for more clearness. It should still sound fat in the mix, and as I said, sound much clearer.

Put a highpass-filter on the guitars. I would put it at ~60-70 and let the bass do the work lower.
Also try to play around with a multiband-compressor to keep the low-end tighter and not so muddy.

Use a frequenzy spectrum analyzer to see what frequenzies need to be changed on the guitars. Also compare them with something that has the sound you aim for.

If you upload the guitar tracks in an archive I can play around a little bit with them if you want too :)

Edit: Oops, didn't see Joe's post about the guitars, doh -.-