Parkway drive KICK SOUND

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
Hey everybody, for a couple of day I recorded an idea.

I didn´t have the time for a good mix so did everything with DFH superior und don´t bounce it.

Everybody who worked with it knows that the kick doesnt sound good without any compression so I used the multiband compressor of cubase sx3 and used the setting base drum.

In drumkit from hell superior I used the premier kick with plastic beaters.

And there it is, parkway drive kick from adam d. produced record.

For every body who work with cubase or nuendo try it.

When it doesn´t sound like pwd take the low frequenzes of in oh and ambience.

best regrads:headbang:
ich komm auch aus hamburg,

aber geben wir den anderen im forum die chance mitzureden;)

what do you think?

I think it came near to parwaydrive and do not any additional eq or something like this
sounds quite close to me...
aber ich denke es ist kein geheimnis das man den bassdrum sound rippen kann.... ;)
and you stole the second riff from me ;) .. I have a quite similar riff written for my band ...
did you do anything other than just the cubase multiband compressor? i cant seem to get it to sound as nice in a mix as you did
in this version I only put the multiband compressor on the kick, thats all.

The guitars are doubled. I record guitars with my pod xt with the hd147 update and the mesa boogie diamond ampmodel. Alot of midds and thats it.

Or I put guitar one Hard left and 80 right

Guitar two hard right and 80 left. So you got no problem with phase.

For the song I only take one an hour not more, I swear:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
The kick sound on the 'Horizons' album is great, but the kick on the previous album was probably the worst thing about the production (in my opinion) it sounded wooden and almost too natural, but not in a good way for metal. The guitar tones on both records are crushing, 5150 as fuck!
The kick sound on the 'Horizons' album is great, but the kick on the previous album was probably the worst thing about the production (in my opinion) it sounded wooden and almost too natural, but not in a good way for metal. The guitar tones on both records are crushing, 5150 as fuck!

Latest was a Framus Cobra, I could've sworn.