Parkway Drive set to record with the guy that did...The Melvins?

i wouldn't be surprised if they end up getting someone else to mix it

My old band went with Matt Goldman to record their 2nd full length last November(Underoath, As Cities Burn, The Chariot, Copeland). Not exactly a metalcore guy. They ended up getting Jason Suecof to mix it. I haven't heard the remixed tracks yet though.
joe will bring the sludge
maybe they'll play some RIFFS this time as well holy shit
i wouldn't be surprised if they end up getting someone else to mix it

My old band went with Matt Goldman to record their 2nd full length last November(Underoath, As Cities Burn, The Chariot, Copeland). Not exactly a metalcore guy. They ended up getting Jason Suecof to mix it. I haven't heard the remixed tracks yet though.

Oh SHIT? no way suecof mixing MCMB that might be pretty sick tbh. are the drums gonna be dissapointing :(?
I wonder if he'll actualy make them "play" their instruments?

He did another aussie band and that did not go well.
Im not a metal core fan at all, but parkway drive "horizons" was the shit. I remember reading that it was recorded and mixed crazy fast because of deadlines, and that they were disappointed with the way it turned out.

I seen them live, and they were alot better than most metal bands are live! there material may be simple, but they nail it every time. they are catchy too, as opposed to most spastic annoying mallcore.

looking forward to this release. I hope they will shed the mallcore image.
I'm listening to parkway drive on their myspace, I have to say it's the first time I listen to a "-core" band without having to puke. I actually enjoy it. Nevertheless, there is nothing special musically. They sound the same as other metalcore bands, they may be catchier and that's why they are victorious in the market.

EDIT : By the way, I don't even know why BTBAM is assimilated to some core scene. They are obviously not the same kind of bands. For me they actually don't throw "random shit in the box". I don't even know how a musician can even conclude that, it's terrific, Colors is one of the most wonderful albums I have listened to in terms of musicianship (just listen to Ants of the Sky), and it's not because some scene kids act as groupies to them than we have to discredite them.
That is very strange going from the tried and tested Adam D methods (producing etc) to Joe Barresi. It's going to be interesting though hearing an extreme metal mix from someone who does radio bullshit.

I really hope this CD doesn't suck because Killing with a Smile and Horizons were beast.

Tool, Melvins, Satyricon, Enslaved, Isis, Clutch, bullshit? Really? News to me.
From the songs they played on their most recent Aussie tour I don't think they're watering down their sound or anything. If anything, its faster and heavier. And maybe they're just going for a different sound to the last two albums? If my band had the opportunity of traveling the world, playing shows and working with big name producers we'd do it as well. Im sure any of you would. The new stuff might be a lot different, or it may be pretty similar but I am personally going to wait until I HEAR the new record before judging their decision of who they're working with. Good band.

EDIT : By the way, I don't even know why BTBAM is assimilated to some core scene. They are obviously not the same kind of bands. For me they actually don't throw "random shit in the box". I don't even know how a musician can even conclude that, it's terrific, Colors is one of the most wonderful albums I have listened to in terms of musicianship (just listen to Ants of the Sky), and it's not because some scene kids act as groupies to them than we have to discredite them.

I fully agree. They don't belong in that list at all.