Dazed and Brutal
Yall About to Witness
How is it possible to enjoy Pain of Salvation and not like Sound of Perseverance, considering Death is much better.
2)I can listen to britney spears for "catchy music", parkway drive is still shit
3)their vocals suck
I am supposed to respect and even listen a band that takes the exact same formula of 10,000 other bands to create their sound?
5)yes really
6)I'm glad you agree
7)if you can't see that death is easily one of the most significant bands in the history of death metal, you know nothing about metal, as far as I am concerned
You absolutely love Pain Of Salvation, so you saying this means nothing to me.![]()
How is it possible to enjoy Pain of Salvation and not like Sound of Perseverance, considering Death is much better.
Pain of Salvation shits on Death.
I'm sure you would to see that you sick fuck.
I didn't say it was acceptable, I said it's retarded for a drunk girl to go on to a band's tour bus full of horny men.
I don't understand the hate for The Sound of Perseverance. Sure, the album is completely overrated by many people, but it isn't bad by any means.
Boring guitar work combined with the most headache inducing basswork ever absolutely ruins an album. The only good thing about that album is the drum work.
Chuck was gay enough to make it an amusing spectacle to behold.
And holy fuck I have kept in my feelings of a classic band being overrated for MONTHS, feels good to let it go![]()
scott clendon's bass is fuckin' brilliant. The bass lead on "spirit crusher" is spectacular
let's not forget the spectacular solos especially on "flesh and the power it holds"
Death deserves the credit they get. Scream Bloody Gore owns anything you enjoy.
Wow, exciting.
I'm fully aware These guys are not metal, and this thread is in no way possitive.
Parkway Drive recently played my hometown (Leeds UK), and after the gig one of the members of the supporting bands got talking to my friends girlfriend. My friends girlfriend was a bit drunk and after being asked if she wanted to 'hang with parkway' followed the dude onto the bands tour bus to get signatures.
There she was told to fuck the bands drummer, spat on and screemed at every time she tried to protest. After being bullied and tormented they kicked her off the bus.
This band doesn't deserve the support of any respectable metal community. This message is warning you against them. Don't let your girlfreinds near them. They got great pleasure in making her feel like a whore for nothing more than turning up to their show and stepping on to their bus.
Not that a stupid drunk woman stepping onto a band's tour bus doesn't ask for a bit of harassment.