Part 1 of my Voivod feature online

I'm going to wait to comment until the second part is up and I can copy, paste, print and read it in its entirely. I'm a big Voivod (w/ Snake) freak and the 2003 self-titled record was the album of the year for me. I see that you made blabbermouth on a day that I have been told is a choice one though. I shudder to think what people are going to have to say about that particular snippet and will probably just not even read the salvos from the peanut gallery to save myself the grief.
I love how according to that peanut gallery anyone who is the least bit concerned about the environment is a left wing nutjob. :rolleyes:
Zealotry said:
anyone who is the least bit concerned about the environment is a left wing nutjob. :rolleyes:
The poltical discourse in this country has shifted so far to the right that this reaction does not suprise me. There just is no idea of the commons in this country anymore and anything that requires an individual to alter their behavior for the good of all is considered to be a gross infringement on personal liberties. The environment is an intangible entity to most people and the fast food refuse they are throwing out the window of their gas-guzling SUV with the air-conditioning cranked to the max is a concrete convience people don't want to give up.

Our grandchildren may very well be chisling out a tombstone reading: "Here Lies Humanity. They were given liberty, and all they gave each other was death."

The charge of being a "left-wing nutjob" is often a tag slapped on anyone who raises issues dealing with a simple humanity that we all should share.

Not that I think left-wing sympathies and beliefs are something to hide or be defensive about, since I am a proud leftist nutter myself.

As for Voivod or more specifically Snake, the lyrics to "Gasmask Revival" and "Rebel Robot" are radically thought-provoking--an aspect of the second go-around that I really enjoy. :)

So I take it that you are going to let us know when the second part is up?
Rob says he wants it up Monday. I'll try to get it done by then, though I really need to get going on it.

I just find it insulting and dangerous that science has become politicized at all. There has NEVER been as large a consensus within the scientific community as the one that's been reached about anthropogenic climate change. You're never gonna have unanimity in science, but when out of 928 papers in the Institute for Scientific Information's database on the subject in a decade's time [from '93 to '03] not a single one of them challenges the prevailing opinion, that's as close to unanimity as you're ever gonna get. And yet because we have corporate sponsorship of candidates for public office in this country, we get assholes like James Inhofe [R, Oklahoma] sitting on the Senate Environment and Public Works committee, calling global warming a 'total hoax'.
So we have a situation where one side of the aisle regularly disputes or altogether ignores mainstream science and fosters a general distrust of it among a large portion of the country. This is the most dangerous slippery slope we could possibly be on. If we stop trusting science, which is there to improve the quality of human life, then we might find ourselves reverting to a dark ages mentality before we know it.
Zealotry said:
If we stop trusting science, which is there to improve the quality of human life, then we might find ourselves reverting to a dark ages mentality before we know it.

It is odd that the more questionable scientific achievements are, the faster they are embraced by the state, especially when they can be applied economically or politically - like genetic engineering or nuclear power. Who knew about the effect and longevity of radioactive material in the beginning, and who can say for sure now that genetically manipulated food will not turn out hazardous in a few decades?
"knowing Jason, he will probably wear Voivod shirts when appearing on television. And with twenty million people watching, or so, it's a lot of good publicity for us."

Indeed he did. Saw the Web first 'episode' and he was wearing a Voivod shirt.

Ok Jim. I know. Supernova and Rock Star 2 is the epitomy of ___, nevermind, they clearly said in that episode that they are not a metal band but a rock band. And damnit, listening to them jam I'm looking forward to what they come up with. Some of the singers are quite good too. Sorry I got sidetracked.