Partially deaf in my left ear...

... since last night. It sucks. Went to an audiologist today. I am now on steroids! BIGER MUCSLES!

Anyway, the doctors and I expect a full recovery in a week or two (something to do with a messed up nerve around there), but if it doesn't get better it will suck because MUSIC SOUNDS EERRIWWIRRDDSS like this!

If you had a choice to be deaf or blind, what would it be?

I'd probably kill myself if I went deaf. I thought I had tinnitus because my ears were always ringing but after about 3 years it went away. IEEEEEEEEEEEEERSDRDSDSSD

Blind: no videogames, no computer and internet (unless you get some special software), no TV, no reading, no porn.

Deaf: No music.

I'd take the blindness thank you very much
Wow, I just now figured out that my basement flooded and nothing was destroyed except for my kickass posters I'd brought home from college. This is probably the worst summer ever. So far:

- gone partially deaf
- blown radiator in car, forcing a long desperate walk, cost hundreds of dollars
- fucked up axle in car
- accidentally broke expensive antennas on my step-dad's car playing basketball
- computer crashed and I lost EVERYTHING
- friend drank whiskey at my house, totalled his car on the way home, many consequences
- Quorthon died (and so did Brando... damn)
- job sucked a bit of ass
- migraines (never had them before)
- lack of parties, growing apart from friends
- no concerts (so far)
- had to go through a living hell to pass a drug test (which I miraculously did)
HarmonyDies.... said:
Out of curiousity, do you wear earplugs to shows?
Everyone should, especially when for only $15 you can get those plugs that just lower the volume instead of killing the sound quality. You lose a little of the high end freqencies, but it's not bad at all.

God damn, Black Winter Day needs some pussy, that'll make him feel better for about 6 minutes. Anybody want to chip in for a hooker fund?
I've got $5. that would do him in for a good crackwhore. If two more people chipped in $5 each he might be able to upgrade to a heroinwhore

Come on, everyone chip in so BWD can get this one instead:

Wow. This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me. I need to become more actively involved in NC's slut scene.

I've had hearing damage at shows before, especially when one ear is turned toward one of the big speakers. Thought I would be permanantly deaf, but it only lasted for a day or two.
I've never worn earplugs to any concert. I'm expecting my ears to take revenge in the not-too-distant future :loco:
Since I have weekly band practice I need to start wearing earphones again (haven't done this for years), standing next to a rabid drummer for 3 hours straight is quite hazardous. Although my current drummer doesn't play at insane volume so it's not quite as necessary.

At concerts I'm usually far enough away from speakers to not get affected by the volume, but if I go to a new venue (which is rare) I try to remember to bring them.
Yea I think Ive probably got Tinnitus already. I get random/quite often overtly loud ringing in my ears ( to the point where I cant hear the person in front of me talk) and sharp stinging pains too. Ehn.