Partially deaf in my left ear...

Yah, tannitus isn't horrible at all, it's pretty tolerable when its mild, but I imagine it can be quite the ass breaker when it's severe.
Black Winter Day said:
Wow, I just now figured out that my basement flooded and nothing was destroyed except for my kickass posters I'd brought home from college. This is probably the worst summer ever. So far:

- gone partially deaf
- blown radiator in car, forcing a long desperate walk, cost hundreds of dollars
- fucked up axle in car
- accidentally broke expensive antennas on my step-dad's car playing basketball
- computer crashed and I lost EVERYTHING
- friend drank whiskey at my house, totalled his car on the way home, many consequences
- Quorthon died (and so did Brando... damn)
- job sucked a bit of ass
- migraines (never had them before)
- lack of parties, growing apart from friends
- no concerts (so far)
- had to go through a living hell to pass a drug test (which I miraculously did)
NicodemiX said:
at least you didn't fail the drug test

"lack of parties, growing apart from friends"

Well, look at the bright side, you've got all your real internet friends.
By the way, you can't live without sight. You become dependent on a mutt and start bumping into inanimate objects.

Deafness is overrated. I mean, look just look at Beethoven or listen to Twilight of the Gods. *rimshot* Oh come on, even Quorthon would laugh at that one. :loco:
:lol: Terrible... just terrible!

As far as growing apart from friends, who cares? True friends stick around, once high school is over you see who real likes you, and vice versa.