Passive DI boxes can be used as reampbox to?

It works, but you need reduce level before it, because of transformer used.
True reampers usually have 1:1 transformers (or close), while passive DI-boxes 12:1 (10:1 etc), reducing level 10-12 times (depend on transformer ratio used).
10 times level reduction means -20 db, so you, probably, need to reduce signal (somehow) between audio-interface and DI-box in reverse.
I heard good result with JDI as reamper.
Basicaly first case (so-called ghetto reamping) give more noise compared to reampers.
At least with passive ones due to transformer (isolation).
Check some samples:
(included comparison with ghetto reamping).
And you should set proper levels with ghetto and DI-box in reverse.
I recorded DI-tracks for test so I don`t need level adjustment with ghetto reamping (same level as guitar signal, no amplification in instrument pre).
Yes, exactly.
Don`t forget to significantly reduce level or, maybe, you can get some sort or saturation with overdriven transformer :)
(Don`t know exactly if it can happen)
Thanks for the replys, Can I reduce the level simply from the cubase DI track volume fader? or from the soundcrad output fader?

Another question here:

radial JDI 179 Euro (DI and can i use for Reampbox to)


The price its very close 20 Eu difference if i purchase these 2 boxes sepparately.
Wich one will be the best way to go? JDI or Pro RMP with Pro DI?
Reducing level by fader in software is not best idea, especially reducing by 20 db, better to do it after interface (in analog).
Basically you loose some resolution.
Maybe ProRMP as reamper is more clever idea than JDI, but Pro DI seems to be is inferior to JDI in terms of quality.
Quality of DI is more significant, I think. Active DI-box can be better alternative to passive one, it better suited for passive pickups.
What would happen if I do this?

- DI tracks DAW --> Triaxis --> DAW Impulses

- DI tracks DAW --> Pasive DI Box --> Triaxis --> DAW Impulses

I have Direct Box but no Reamping Box

Unless your direct box was designed to handle this type of reamp, it is going to sound like shit. Been there, done that. Then I bought a ReAmp v2. Nothing to complain.