Pat Robertson is a piece of shit!

Oh my good god - "they swore a pact to the devil, it's a true story!" Well, if you say so Patty, it's good enough for me! :Puke:
where elsewhere Glenn? i wanna watch it.

can' t wait for Christopher Hitches to rip this fool a new one for this comment, like he did Fallwell when that fat prick died:

"Poeple like that should be out on the street, shouting and hollering with a card-board sign and selling pencils... from a CUP!!"

fucking classic.
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Hitchens is awesome. He's the only guy I've ever seen go on Bill Maher's show with a transparent cup. ...filled with whiskey, of course.

Back on the original topic, here's a new link for the video:
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what a fucking moron

yea, i'm sure this huge quake will lead to them building a great new society...

and the last time i checked, the fact that there's a bunch of resorts in the DR doesn't exactly qualify as being much better off the haiti!
Where is the "Pact with the Devil" Store? Is it in the mall or is it one of those places that doesn't even have a website where you have to call to find out what they have?
Thanks Glenn.

I actually found myself violently pissed off when I saw the vid. That is very very rare for me. I'm also not the type to want someone dead but he qualifies. If anyone deserves it, he does. So does Fred Phelps. (westboro baptist church)
it's hard to believe someone is that stupid. "always" a religious explanation for everything. why earthquakes happen, why jimmy spilled his ice cream while riding his bike (well, of course because he masterbated the night before - you KNOW how God hates that), why people get in car accidents, etc, etc, etc

the chick next to him is kinda funny. you can almost hear what she's thinking: "oh fuck, this idiot's going insane on me again... i've GOT to get another job! ok, keep it together - just nod your head approvingly.. remember - two more payments and the car's yours!"