Just watched Obama's speech at the Notre Dame University graduation ceremony, and holy fuck what a guy. For those who don't know, Notre Dame is a VERY Catholic institution, and there were a fair amount of protests by students over the fact that a guy who is pro-choice was invited to give a speech there, and of course many Catholic extremists (Randall Terry

) jumped on the bandwagon to offer their support. This attracted a lot of media attention, and I followed it from before any of the speeches started (where they were interviewing people and covering the protests) until the end of his speech, and man what a change I went through.
In the beginning, they had interviews with the extremists, and the aforementioned Randall Terry (apparently one of the bigger shit-slinging pro-life activists), and my first response was "mother fuck this asshole, he's a piece of shit, Obama won, you lost, eat shit and die". But they then interviewed Father James Martin (just some random priest I think), and he was much more chilled out and said something to the effect of "we [Catholics] need to stop being so crazy and abrasive, cuz we're alienating people and making them think we're all fundamentalists", and that was the beginning of my calming down.
But then the president of Notre Dame introduced Obama as a guy who "
knows we [Notre Dame] are pro-life, but didn't turn away from people he disagreed with". Obama came up, made his unbelievably convincing speech, and left me realizing that anger and hatred on the left side is no better than on the right, and
we have to work together to get along with these people, rather than perpetually wishing they wouldn't exist.
I know I've been guilty of a fair bit of fundamentalist bashing on here (though I'm HARDLY the only one

), but I really am gonna start trying to calm it down a bit and realize that the ultimate goal should be understanding, rather than just winning over the competition. I know these aren't exactly groundbreaking concepts, but it's one of those situations where you can hear the same thing over and over again and think you understand it, but suddenly at one point it just really hits home: [faggyhippymode]Can't we all just get along?[/faggyhippymode]