I frequently wonder how people like this survive in society. At what point they were able to put together the necessary amount of logical processes to clothe themselves, and work out how to get a spoon to theirs mouths, much less work out how to achieve manipulation on such a grand scale. It feels like a large part of the world is just in waiting, for some douche or another to come along and capitalize on their fears and prejudices. They want to be led, and to that end they will believe some of the most outlandish, atrocious verbal diarrhea. It makes me wonder whether these TV evangelists are so insanely deluded that they actually believe what they are saying, or whether they are actively evil and malicious enough to manipulate and exploit on such a base level. Either way their existence is an abomination, and anything resembling a reasonable society would have pulled them from the limelight and prosecuted them for crimes against humanity.
Anyway, I'm all against the high ground and 'meeting up and holding hands together' here. The issue is so much deeper than that. We need to evaluate what aspects of the human condition make people conducive to believing in these fairy tales. The fact that there is a single religious person in the world in this day and age offends me. It offends me as a person, a human being, and even as someone not intensely educated or fixated on the subject. You cannot meet minds with a moron, or someone so insecure and at war with themselves that they have to believe in this stuff just to validate their existence. If anything other than religion was based on this concept of 'faith' the world would be in a catastrophic state. It's no different than inventing an idea that sounds pretty good and then just committing to believe in it, simply because. How far would we have come scientifically and medically if this had been the case? We'd still be drilling holes in our heads to relieve headaches. Religion as a whole is the problem, the cancer. There are NO benign aspects to it. It is infectious, as people are herd-like and simply waiting for a leader to direct them. It is a weak spot, waiting for exploitation, and for as long as it remains we will all be in danger.
Ultimately education is the best tool. People need to be educated on a global basis, hopefully stopping this hillbilly need to inflict one generation of children after another with this insidious disease.