Pat Robertson is a piece of shit!

Thanks Glenn.

I actually found myself violently pissed off when I saw the vid. That is very very rare for me. I'm also not the type to want someone dead but he qualifies. If anyone deserves it, he does. So does Fred Phelps. (westboro baptist church)

I would gladly accept a life sentence if I got to kill Fred Phelps.
My MAN!!!!:rock:

Here's an excellent counter commentary from Keith Olbermann. Apparently, America's favorite Oxycontin junkie, Rush Limbaugh, said something equally stupid as well.


Thanks to my old audio prof Jim Cox for posting this on Facebook. :)
Goddamn-some people just have to die in the most painful way someone could imagine.

I am really thankful that there aren't many guys like that in Germany, I think I would be in prison for a long time
due to the things I would want to do with them...
The last video is really cool, I like the way he's saying it-you feel the hate :D

Oh and the domenican republic is such a great country-you won't believe it...
That last video god damn! Fucking bow!
Relating to the "reverend" comments, I can only do nothing but laugh at such ignorant stupidity and garbage. Trying to proove that Haiti actually has a deal with the devil by comparing both the Dominican Republic with Haiti is one of the most ignorant things I've heard in my life. Although Haiti may be poorer than the Dominican Republic, said country is also one of the poorest in the world and how can he say that it is full of resources etc.. it is, but it is taken by those in higher seats, I have been to Dominican Republic and it was a really enlightening experience, because instead of spending the whole day in the beach I travelled throughout the whole country and walked the streets and those are one of the most struggling, living below the line of poverty, people I've ever seen. How the FUCK does he dare to compare each country and even remotely attempt to justify this as a holier cause. This piece of shit should die empaled.
I need to buy Keith Olbermann a beer for his comments.

It scares the fuck out of me that people still put cameras/microphones in front of people like Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh. Some people should be bulldozed into a hole in the ground, not given positions in the media. I would approve their spontaneous combustion.