I would like to thank each band for their professionalism and commitment to bringing some great metal to the fans. Bands like you make my job much easier. So thank you all very much!
I would like to thank them, as well...all the bands really brought it last night!!!!!!! I would also like to thank you, Hoyt, for bringing us yet another evening of pure metal madness
This show was the night of the bass guitar for me: it was my first time seeing Oblivion Myth with their new bass player, and he kicked ass; it was the debut gig for the new bass player for Halcyon Way, and he kicked ass; and I discovered I would much rather listen to the bass player for Judas Rising than Ian Hill...that's right, I said it!
I don't even play the bass, but all three of these guys really stood out last night.
Also, having the opportunity to see Sean and Brian sharing the same stage was just...so...METAL My ears are STILL bleeding
I'm sorry I got there late and missed Brazen Angel; as soon as I walked in the door, a friend of mine asked "did you see the band that just played?" I said "no, I just walked in...they're done?", and he responded "yeah, and they were GREAT...I can't believe you missed it." I love it when there's someone immediately in my face to remind me I'm an IDIOT for being late
Thanks to everyone who came out and supported this event; it was great to see so many familiar faces last night
I hope to see everyone again next weekend in Duluth!!!!!!!