Paul Craddick mySpace


Sep 30, 2002
Hey, if anyone's interested Paul Craddick has a mySpace page now:

There's not too much on it at the moment but I'm hoping he'll add more. I'm ready to hear another studio album from him again (hope the Xen thing works out!!).

Looks like Doug's got a few more too:

Ed, Ted, Sean, Bill, - Just curious if you have a mySpace page too?

Hey, is there any news about another studio album coming out from Enchant anytime soon?? I'm ready for some more kick ass tunes!! ;-)


Thanks for asking man. I am still really on the fence about this new sensation. I started one and probably should just go for it. I really have mixed feelings about it.

I have a lot of stuff happening outside of Enchant at the moment and it might serve me well. More soon on this one for me.

I think it great Paul has one for everyone, People ask all the time how he is and now you can see he is great. We actually played last month at Doug and Robins party and it was reallt fun. The pics did not come out very good though?
Hi Ed,

Man, I think it's really cool you always take time to reply back to our posts. I really appreciate it! I told my girlfriend a long time ago that if I ever make it back out to the San Francisco area that I'm buying you a beer!! :-)

I totally understand about being on "the fence" with mySpace. You never know what type of 'comments' you'll get on there and there's also a lot of trash out there. At the same time there's always the chance that you'll get a ton of emails and questions which you can't keep up with and then it just gets to be frustrating. On the other hand, I've found some pretty cool people out there too who have shared some pretty cool music. It's not for everyone but if you decide to create one please let me know... I definitely want to add you as a friend!


This is very exciting... OK, Paul and Ed must get off the computer now and go make music, RIGHT?:heh:

Paul - As much as I love Sean F. on drums, I'd love even MORE to hear you playing again. Did you get your monkey back yet? Poor fella...
Straight from the Xenspace and ther mans mouth. How about loving the fact you might get to hear them BOTH real soon again, along with all of us. It has been too long and we are all getting anxious to make noise both in the studio and on the stage!

Pauls comments on the bad Xentriloquists

If the gods smile on these first, tentative steps back into the public arena, newly recorded material and live performances are likely to follow. Future Xentriloquists may include Bay Area staples Bad Platt on Bass, and Sean "Puffy" Flunders on the skins.
Hey Ed,

I just wanted to encourage you to do the MySpace thing. I've made some great friendships via the site over the years.

If you're concerned about people posting unfavorable comments, you do have the option of setting it up so that comments won't appear until you've expressly approved them.

I also echo jyng's "really cool you always take time to reply back to our posts" sentiments. You've gone the extra mile in this regard, and I must admit that your extending yourself in that way does have a very positive impact on my Enchant listening experiences. :) There's something special about hearing music from someone you "know" (and, yes, in a sense it feels like I know you). :)