Payback's a bitch , Ain't it...

Oh no, not groups of "5 or 6" causing trouble, and "throwing shoes", total civil disorder!! Fucking hell, these shitskins like handing it out with mobs of thousands attacking embassies but when a few kids lob some shoes about they call the FBI, what a shower of shit. Somehow I doubt that the FBI are assembling a crack squad of highly trained agents to deal with this major breakdown of law and order. Perhaps they will train the kids how to make proper devices to "warmly welcome" the kiddy-fucking camel jockeys.
yeah!! i must say that must've really got them back for 9/11 !!!

wow !! is that the best Michigan can do ?? Hahahaha

yeah... i know. :erk:

sucks to be civilized.
nah that mustve been some friend of poison idea's that they "shot" for the cover of one of the greatest albums of all time..

what the hell is tip toe through the Tulips ?? hahah LOL forgive my ignorance im British :)
nah that mustve been some friend of poison idea's that they "shot" for the cover of one of the greatest albums of all time..

what the hell is tip toe through the Tulips ?? hahah LOL forgive my ignorance im British :)'s not important. I just thought the idea of Tiny Tim with a gun to his head was funny.
Psycho21477 said:
Schenk...that is Tiny Tim. :cool:

just did some research, and it does seem to be "Tiny Tim", who apparently tried to sue them over the cover !!

i think the joke is probably lost on non Americans, like me!! hahaha nevertheless great cover and greatest band !
just did some research, and it does seem to be "Tiny Tim", who apparently tried to sue them over the cover !!

i think the joke is probably lost on non Americans, like me!! hahaha nevertheless great cover and greatest band !

Oh...ok then....HA HA HA...:tickled:
what the hell is tip toe through the Tulips ?? hahah LOL forgive my ignorance im British :)

Tiptoe through the Tulips? Shitttt! Only time I've heard that wretched song was on Benny Hill's Show, circa 1974. He was British. So no excuses.

Tiny Tim... Now there's an example of how ya can never tell what the fuck the public wants. His scratchy record sold millions of copies, and for what? Why? God only knows and he's keeping it to himself!

well, its same decade as the Chipmunks christmas song, so I guess the beatniks got high while listening to extremely annoying high-pitched scratchy singing. What else could it be?

Jurched said:
Tiptoe through the Tulips? Shitttt! Only time I've heard that wretched song was on Benny Hill's Show, circa 1974. He was British. So no excuses.


mmmm i must've missed that one, since i was born in 1976... ;)
plus i never watched benny hill as he was shit...... Ronnie Barker was the man in those days.