Paying gig... Need money?


Apr 8, 2011
I am in the latter process of creating a website with the immediate purpose of delivering raw tracks/multi-tracks in a clean organized fashion. My goal is for the user to be able to submit his own recordings or to just download his favorite bands raw tracks quickly and easily. It is not going to be a forum type setup but rather something similar to ultimate-guitar. I have the site designed/coded already and I have the domain reserved. Now I need help stocking the site with the tracks. I've been trying myself but its just taking too long, and tbh I am not the greatest guitarist.

I will pay 50 dollars per song but I choose the song. I will give you the drums/bass in midi form and will include the tempo and tempo changes if there are any. If your interested please PM or comment.
A cool idea but i don't understand why you want to program the bass and drums for all songs?

I have alot of different songs that i could use for this purpore, drums are programmed in Superior, bas/guitar is recorded the old fasion way, vocals in a booth.

All with Great River/Neve preamps.

But what are the chances that some one will just take the songs and make money with it?

Do we keep the royalties?
What do you do to make sure we are copyright protected?

Its not that I want to program the drums and bass, just that I am willing to.

For the time being I am not asking for songs from someones personal collection. Only songs that have already been copyrighted.
Well in that case, i got 10 hard rock/ metal songs you can listen to :) I got all the raw tracks for them.

Do you want tracks with real drums too? or is it only midi tracks?
What is the point of doing other bands raw tracks? They will be NOTHING alike because of performance, equipment, producing etc. I would say you would be better off doing original songs
The point is for striving producers to have tracks to mix. With covers the user would also have a reference mix in order to try and replicate favorite tones and to simply practice mixing favorite bands.

This isn't to say I don't want originals on the site. I do and I will, but there is going to more demand for bands that people are familiar with.