PC Game Save Files- The Bane Of My Existence


Oct 10, 2009
Ok, does anyone know why developers/ publishers make PC gaming so fucking complicated? I mean seriously, why can't all game saves automatically be saved into one neat folder? Instead, I have a bunch of random publisher names crowded amongst all my other program shit in My Documents. There's even a My Saved Games folder in Windows 7, but apparently only like fucking Solitaire uses it. Do they not realize how ridiculously hard this makes it to backup saves, especially when moving to a new computer? I honestly rarely game on PC anymore, despite a huge Steam library, just because I was tired of playing games for hours and then losing my saves and having to start all over. The worst of them all is Windows LIVE games, you need to backup like 5 fucking folders/ files... Has anyone come out with a program that manages all this shit for you? It would be great if games asked you, at least, where you would like to store the saves when you install/ start the game.
PS I know that some Steam games use the cloud service, which is great, but only some games use it, not all. I would seriously pay a yearly fee to Steam to just have them save all my game saves on cloud... PS3 has cloud game saves now as well, it's a gift from God... except they only allow 150 MB of saves, and some game saves are like 35 MB a piece...
I had great fun last year on F1 2011. Playing a season through with a pal, the save file corrupted half way through! Apparently it was a common fault according to codemasters forums, right before a certain race. You just cant have that crap happending- trying to resurrect that bloody save file was a total nightmare!
I know that feel

A lot like where installations put like to put plugins. For me, it's "C:\Program Files\VST Plugins\" and nowhere else.

At least we have control over that.
Yeah the new one. Fun, great looking but fucking makes you want to pull your hair out at times. Plus, Rosario Dawson is looking nice as a set of polygons.
I always hide all those folders. I never need to back-saves up from the actual file, cus i always save a game on a free save slot, so if one gets corrupted, i just go back to an earlier save, and i save often so its not a big deal.
Pro tip: most games let you choose a folder in which you want them to be installed.

In my case it is E:\Games\"gamename"\

Props to Terminus for good game choices. :)
Pro tip: most games let you choose a folder in which you want them to be installed.

In my case it is E:Games"gamename"

Props to Terminus for good game choices. :)

I'll have to look into this in the future, but most games I've installed through steam have not asked me this.