PC recommendations.


New Metal Member
Apr 4, 2006
I'm looking to buy a new PC, strictly dedicated for recording. I cannot afford a G5 at this time, so I'm looking to see what would be a good subsitute.

I'm looking into maybe using a Presonus Firepod. I read that it comes with Cubase. I'm also open to suggestions on different programs. M-Audio, Sonar, Pro-Tools. I also want to be able to use Drumagog for sound replacement.

Would an AMD Athlon processor work with an external hard-drive added as well?

Just give me your thoughts. Thanks.

- Mason
ElementGuitar said:
Would an AMD Athlon processor work with an external hard-drive added as well?

Don't take this the wrong way, but if you need to ask that question, you should do some heavy research before you start buying pc recording gear....
I don't know if there are any good PC's that are as powerful as a G5 that aren't as expensive as a G5...someone correct me if I am wrong. You could always build one...but that is another story.
well, this is a touchy subject and I hope it doesn't start another debate.

I will say that Macs tend to be a bit higher priced because of the name and the design of the machine itself.

PCs however, you can find parts that are discounted or relatively cheap. Having the same "specs" as a mac, you could probably end up with a cheaper price. This also gives you the option to not have some items such as a 56k modem or a floppy drive if you don't need it.

HOWEVER. The operating system comes into play and how it interacts with the hardware. This can affect the performance and I'm not educated enough about it to give any thoughts on that.

I do believe you can get relatively close, if not close, to the same performance on the PC for a little bit less if you're frugal on certain things, (ex. the case you get doesn't need to look bitching and have neons...)
How much is a G5 and what are the specs?

In PC land, here is a very easy breakdown

Opty165 - 2.5Ghz per core OC'd $325
Asus A8N mobo $80
2GB Corsair $180
300GB SATA $140

$725 for the core rig, add $30 for a DVD burner, anywhere from $40 to $120 for a case, etc.

How much is the mac side of things?
ThatGuitarGuy said:
well, this is a touchy subject and I hope it doesn't start another debate.

I will say that Macs tend to be a bit higher priced because of the name and the design of the machine itself.

PCs however, you can find parts that are discounted or relatively cheap. Having the same "specs" as a mac, you could probably end up with a cheaper price. This also gives you the option to not have some items such as a 56k modem or a floppy drive if you don't need it.

HOWEVER. The operating system comes into play and how it interacts with the hardware. This can affect the performance and I'm not educated enough about it to give any thoughts on that.

I do believe you can get relatively close, if not close, to the same performance on the PC for a little bit less if you're frugal on certain things, (ex. the case you get doesn't need to look bitching and have neons...)

true true
EtherForBreakfast said:
How much is a G5 and what are the specs?

In PC land, here is a very easy breakdown

Opty165 - 2.5Ghz per core OC'd $325
Asus A8N mobo $80
2GB Corsair $180
300GB SATA $140

$725 for the core rig, add $30 for a DVD burner, anywhere from $40 to $120 for a case, etc.

How much is the mac side of things?
according to the apple website...thats the starting amount and it isn't at the specs as the PC in terms of ram and HD space.

I poked around at Sweetwater and found the "cheap" G5 at $1999.

Looking at the specs (2ghz dual core, 512MB ram, 160GB HD, 6600LE gfx) it is quite terrifying.
in terms of the RAM and HD...yeah. The processor isn't bad though as well as the quality of everything within the box, including the operating system.

Also note that if you can find someone who is currently in school/college, you can ask them if they can help you use their student discount and buy from the apple store. I think its like 200 or 300 bucks off of the 1999 price tag.
I've heard good things about the AMD X2 range. Soon DAWs will start supporting multiple cores (doesn't the new PT support it already?) and it will make delegating processing tasks much better and more efficient.

You want to look at high quality RAM, like the Corsair that ether posted. 2gb goes fairly cheap.

For HDD, you want to get at least two. You can grab a large 250 or 300Gb storage SATA drive very cheap these days. Your system drive can be something smaller, albeit faster, like the 10,000RPM WD raptors. You can run two of them in RAID0 config so I/O is split between them, which exponentially increases write rates.

Motherboard.. the Asus A8N series is farkkin chheeeapp as and totally fine, feature-wise.

Case wise... you have the Antec P180 Case which is designed for optimum airflow and in a sense acoustically treated since it minimizes noise.

Best of luck. You'll find you don't have to spend very much at all these days to get a monster PC :)
ElementGuitar said:
I'm looking to buy a new PC, strictly dedicated for recording. I cannot afford a G5 at this time, so I'm looking to see what would be a good subsitute.
A PC is not a subsitute. It is a personal prefrence. You will be fine with a modest PC setup.
ThatGuitarGuy said:
I'd personally wait till around June/July when AMD releases their new processor.

That and I'm waiting till Feb of 07 or so until I really get a new PC because of vista.

If you had the mind set you would be waiting for ever.....:)
lol, I know, but I feel that this is a significant difference. That and if I just get a cheap computer to hold me over (like I just accomplished) I should be alright.

That and brand new processors don't come out THAT often...just higher models of the same model.