Recording Gear: What would you suggest differently?


Ghost in the Machine
Mar 6, 2002
Manassas, VA
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I'm looking to invest some cash into buying some recording gear relatively soon. At the moment, I'm leaning towards the following:

Presonus Firepod 10
Presonus HP4 (for Headphones)
FMR Audio RNC Compressor (Likely Rackmounted)
Shure SM-57 (4)
Shure Beta 52 (1)
Oktava MK-012 (2)

I'm not sure about a vocal mic at the moment, although I've heard suggestions of a Shure SM7, Shure KSM-27, Rode NTK, etc. Any suggestions on a decent one there? I would also need a suggestion on a decent direct box that would be good for bass or capturing a guitar signal for later use.

Things I've considered picking up are:

ddrum Trigger Kit
Alesis DM5/D4 or Drumagog (Any preference here?)
Reamp Box

So, does this seem like some viable equipment for recording, and would you suggest any alternatives that may be better (and in relatively the same price range) as what you see above?
If you can I sugest you get hold of a Radial DI box, but if they are out of your price range any DI will do for recording bass and guitars. If you are looking at getting a ReAmp box you could even get Radial's 'ReAmp Kit' which has a DI and a ReAmp box in for a reasonable price.

NB. I use a Groove Tubes one I got at Guitar Center and it's been nothing but trouble, so don't get one of those!

Pick up an Audix i5 to go along side those SM57's, you won't regret it.

I'd personally get the Audix D6 instead of the Beta 52 as your 'go to' kick mic.
silverwulf said:
... Things I've considered picking up are:

ddrum Trigger Kit
Alesis DM5/D4 or Drumagog (Any preference here?)
Reamp Box
D4/D5 has some cool sounds, but Drumagog is the most flexible

I use Little Labs Redeye DI/Reamp box.

Presonus Firepod is ok. The preamps are ok, not great but ok, not much noise, no weird frequency build-up, the converters are fine but works better if clocked on a solid clock (think rme adi-2 for example), the pots are cheap so be gentle.
The real problem is it has no built-in routing, so you have to deal with software latency, which could be annoying in some situations.
abigailwilliams said:
what about monitors?

I have a few friends that have excess monitors at the moment that I can get for either cheap or free. I have an Altec Lansing Surround Sound System myself, although I don't know how well it work for in place of decent monitors.

About the direct boxes, thanks for the suggestions. I'll definitely cheap out both the Radial and Little Labs models.

So, is there some alternative that you guys would suggest in place of the Presonus Firepod that would be better? I've l;ooked at things like the E-Mu 1820M, but I've heard horror stories about driver or compatability issues. Plus, I would need some type of mixer or the like that had some decent mic pre's in it. I asked about the Mackie VLZ stuff, but no one seemed to care much for them in a recording situation. I can get a Firepod virtually new at the moment for about $425 shipped to me. Buying an alternative (and more mic pre's or mixer if needed) would most likely run up my bill more, but it's not a problem if it's not terribly out of my price range and you guys think that something would be a noticable step up. Any thoughts?
About firepod, there's nothing better in this range of price, forget about E-mu stuff. What I was saying was somewhat positive. Mackie vlz and firepod preamps are about the same category, not great but decent. You can't expect more in this price range.
You will find better but only if you put more money on the table...
~BURNY~ said:
About firepod, there's nothing better in this range of price, forget about E-mu stuff. What I was saying was somewhat positive. Mackie vlz and firepod preamps are about the same category, not great but decent. You can't expect more in this price range.
You will find better but only if you put more money on the table...

Cool...thanks for the info. I don't expect pro-level mic pre's for the long as they're decent for the moment and can get the job done until I upgrade, that's all that matters...:cool:
Yeah, the Firepod is all you will need unless you're looking to drop some serious bucks. I've been more than happy with mine. Plus, if you need more inputs, you can daisy-chain two of them together.

Also, +1 for the Audix D6 instead of the B52. The B52 suffers from basketball disease. Another kick mic you may want to try either as your only mic or a supplement to another mic is the Shure Beta 91. I've used it both ways and it gives an incredibly clear sound with an airy high end and a deep low end.

One more thing: if you can pick up some used Sennheiser MD421s for a good price, they're great for toms.
~BURNY~ said:
About firepod, there's nothing better in this range of price, forget about E-mu stuff. What I was saying was somewhat positive. Mackie vlz and firepod preamps are about the same category, not great but decent. You can't expect more in this price range.
You will find better but only if you put more money on the table...

Nothing sounds like Emu 1820m in its price range.
For me it would be an option to consider.