PDP Drum Samples!!!


New Metal Member
Dec 25, 2011
Hey guys!

I made some drum samples of my brother's kit. It's a CX maple with a DW Performance Series 14x 6.5 snare. there are 4 hits per drum, but each drum has a separate file for the close miking and the overheads. Will someone please throw these in a mix and tell me how you like them? I want to know how to improve my drum sounds. They are pretty heavily eq'd so if someone wants the raw drums I can do that.

Overheads were a pair of AKG 451's
Snare top was a Sm57
Toms and Kick were the Shure PG drum mics.

Recorded into a DigiPre into Pro Tools 8

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37473715/PDP Drum Samples.zip
Hey thanks for the samples! :rock:

Two things I don't like about them are that they are pre-panned and the overhead tracks are hipassed so heavily. Otherwise they sound good!
I can undo all that. I guess I was just getting em pre mixed for metal and pop punk stuff.