Peavey 6505+ limited edition half stack

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.


$2200 though. :puke:
Yeah that's pretty bad. I guess we are not who they are marketing towards asthetically. I wish they would use the peavey logo from the bottom right of the old 5150s. That at least went with the head. That 80's logo was never good IMO lol.
Fuck me.. Sure, I could see the appeal for patriotic Americans, but for everywhere else in the world??... Having said that, being a Limited Edition it'll likely only be available in the states..
I dont mind the old logo but c'mon Peavey, at least put some new functionality in it instead of just cosmetic BS. The only limited factor is a grille cloth and RWB logo? who cares except for Toby Keith?