Peavey JSX vs Mesa Boogie Road King II


Dec 29, 2005
So I'm finally upgrading from a 10 year old shitty Crate GFX 30. I've checked out both of these amps and love them each for their own respects. Unfortunately, I'm a college student with not alot of $ and I'm trying to decide which one to get. I play everything but mainly heavier stuff. I've been leaning towards the RKII but I've heard things about Channels 3 & 4 lacking in the lead tonal/distortion area. Then again, the JSX lacks reverb, let alone seperate reverb for each channel. Will adding a reverb pedal take away from the tone this amp gives out? Please discuss your thoughts on these beasts, I've played both amps but I really just don't know which one I want
Yes, I am strapped for cash but I'm willing to shell it out for one amp that will be extremely versatile. Wolf, yes, I understand your point but I'd mainly be using the reverb on clean channels for clean parts. I've heard pros and cons about each but I've also been looking into the Mark IV, however, no stores near me stock it. I know the RK is great for its clean channels and the JSX is great for its ultra and crunch channel (I've heard the clean is very brittle due to the fact it was designed for pedals). This is a very difficult decision to make. I'd be content with the RK if I can get good leads using a pedal, but I've yet been able to try this. Also, I'll be gigging heavily with either amp in small to large venues so if anyone has any info about these amps in live situations it would be appreciated.
Honestly, as it's been said a zillion times need to go try the amps yourself. Everyone and their dog can get on here and post a reply of why they think amp A is better than amp B, and vice versa, but that doesn't make it right for YOU.
