Peavey JSX has landed! (short review)

Nope, turn it up full and leave it on! Pretty sure its using one side of V3 (12ax7) as the amplification. More tone if its on up high, tighter, more powerful etc. My loop is never off, regardless of whats in it. I'll just bypass the fx manually.
Nope, turn it up full and leave it on! Pretty sure its using one side of V3 (12ax7) as the amplification. More tone if its on up high, tighter, more powerful etc. My loop is never off, regardless of whats in it. I'll just bypass the fx manually.

Shit thanks for that fellas lol Damn that makes a huge difference :rock: I would have never thought that the fx loop send & return levels would have made any difference without anything in it. :rock: Really digging this thread, I havent had my JSX long, but i think it sounds killer, just got to get it sounding as good in a recording as it does in the room.

Nope, turn it up full and leave it on! Pretty sure its using one side of V3 (12ax7) as the amplification. More tone if its on up high, tighter, more powerful etc. My loop is never off, regardless of whats in it. I'll just bypass the fx manually.

Thanks a bunch bro, I'll definitely try it out. I was put off doing it because of the slight reduction in volume, but it could be worh it.

***correction : I just tried it, and I'm not sure if there's any difference in tightness/tone etc (if there is one it's certainly meager) but there's a huge difference in volume. It sounds (at last) as loud as any other 100w amp.

Yep the manual states to crank the effects loop up (both) to add more gain to the amp. Go figure. Adds a few db's :)