Peavey Windsors are.....

okay - besides being inexpensive, why does everyone want one? I heard the clips on here - sounded good. but does everyone want one because it is a DIFFERENT sound than what they have or because its a BETTER sound than what they have or (like me) are you just GASSING?

I have to admit - I'm simply GASing for one as it simply seems like a great metal amp with a quality of tone not that often had at a sub $200 price point. Must resist the urge, just bought other shit, must resist the urge........... Whats that website again? :) Just kidding.
okay - besides being inexpensive, why does everyone want one? I heard the clips on here - sounded good. but does everyone want one because it is a DIFFERENT sound than what they have or because its a BETTER sound than what they have or (like me) are you just GASSING?


I don't have a good answer for you on this. I have absolutely no need for it but at that price I just couldn't not buy it.
okay - besides being inexpensive, why does everyone want one? I heard the clips on here - sounded good. but does everyone want one because it is a DIFFERENT sound than what they have or because its a BETTER sound than what they have or (like me) are you just GASSING?


its got that 800 vibe but with more balls, and its for a different sound really, maybe the fact it can work with different players better, but its also deffo major GAS
I bought one too. For $200 it's almost just worth the tubes that'll come in it. :lol:

Seriously though can't have enough available tones!
What i am wondering is why they are so cheap?
Because they are cheaper then what the resellers are.. seriously, i work in a music store, and we would profit from buying our amps from mf instead of the Peavey reseller here in sweden, and thats even with shipping costs in mind!

Peavey must be releasing a new version of it or something, otherwise its f-ing weird that the prices are so low.

Sounds familiar! :loco:

I could ask the sales rep on friday on what's going on, but it's my day off then :zzz:
Got payed early!

ORDERED! :headbang:

This is going to be the second tube amp I've owned, should easily beat the JCM900 I used to have :puke:
okay - besides being inexpensive, why does everyone want one? I heard the clips on here - sounded good. but does everyone want one because it is a DIFFERENT sound than what they have or because its a BETTER sound than what they have or (like me) are you just GASSING?


Just another color in the palette.... hey, for $200, you can't go wrong. It's a one trick pony, but it beats the shit out of a modeling amp at any price.
Just got mine, Ruby power tubes and JJ preamp tubes. Shit, that alone is almost worth the price, and it's adjustable bias from the factory. Just swap the JJ's out for a different flavour and BANG!
Just got mine, Ruby power tubes and JJ preamp tubes. Shit, that alone is almost worth the price, and it's adjustable bias from the factory. Just swap the JJ's out for a different flavour and BANG!

wow, thats what came in it? i thought i had successfully resisted because the Windsor in the GC near me sold. (i'm more susceptible to instant gratification GAS)

so is it true that it really needs to be cranked before it comes alive? I'm honestly considering an XT Pro instead because I can't always be excessively loud