Pedal Chain Live Rig - Nolly Getgood


Aug 16, 2010
Can you guys or Nolly personally tell me in what order the chain is? Compressor first then B7K? Vice Versa?

If I wanted to use the B7K like an eq like Nolly does what part of the chain do you guys think it would fall in. Also where does the Axe FX come into play here? Thanks.

Starts at 4:50

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bass - wireless - cali76 - bk7 - axe fx - power amp - cab
cali76 to control the volume and to make it sounds like he's picking harder, if he's not using the bk7 for distortion then it's probably for shaping the tone more
and the axe fx is what gives him the distortion. I could be wrong, but that's what I gathered from that.
I'm pretty positive he tone matched his b7k with his Axe Fx (with a distorted setting) and uses that matched tone along with the pedal on more raw settings (basically as a tone shaper)

Not too sure of the order, I think it's comp > b7k > axe
So the b7k is effectively a TS style boost/mid hz shaper, distortion is the axe 5150 mixed with the axe tube pre for the low end part of the sound?

Looking into the cal76, how good for studio, and how to use?
I have it set up as compressor -> B7K acting as a boost/tone shaper -> Axe-FX providing "amp" sound.
The Cali76 is pretty life affirming, the subtleties of its sound aren't necessarily that obvious in the video but the transformer version I use has a wonderful saturation as you crank the level. The attack time goes longer than an 1176 which is really useful, I'm about to start using it as a piece of portable outboard when I'm doing mixing work away from home.