Perfect Pitch


"Once you learn the secret, we bet YOU will hear with PERFECT PITCH...

LISTEN to your first CD when your supercourse arrives. Once you learn the secret to perfect pitch, we bet you'll hear it right away!... With a few minutes of daily listening, your ear will turn into your most powerful ally. We bet perfect pitch will boost your performance level, unleash new creativity and increase your enjoyment of music..."

Im sure a lot of you may have seen one of these advertisements before...all for 10 easy payments of $13.90. :erk:

Of course, its natural that I should be suspicious of such a deal, being so expensive. Despite it having a money back guarantee, Im not one to give out my address and details to this people at the drop of a hat.

So my question is, has anyone actually tried one of these deals? And is it really the load of crap I suspect it to be?

Other points for discussion. Is perfect pitch really achievable for anyone, or is it something you must be born with? If anyone hear was lucky to be born with PP, was it a blessing or a hindrance? Ive heard many perspectives and was curious to see what the board would think....

Cheers. :)
I've heard that you aren't born with it, but you have to learn it by the time you're like 4 years old or you can't get it.
I have perfect pitch- I can't remember when or how I knew I had it, but I started playing music when I was around 4. It's definitely not a hindrance- I don't know why it would be, its a great thing.
Perfect pitch is achievable to anyone.

Different people say different things regarding whether or not people are born with it.

The Perfect Pitch program basically works like this, well the starting excercises anyway. You take "references", say a metal scream, something easy and listen to it and then you try to here it exactly the same in your head then you transfer what you here in your head to singing the note. A keyboard is handy if you want to figure out what note it is then you just keep on hearing it in your head and singing the note and checking with your keyboard.
Say you figure out the scream is and F#, eventually with alot of practise when you need to sing and F# you just take your reference sound for that particular note, listen in your head then sing it.
FuneralPortrait said:
I have perfect pitch- I can't remember when or how I knew I had it, but I started playing music when I was around 4. It's definitely not a hindrance- I don't know why it would be, its a great thing.

I've heard some people say its a "curse" because if someone in a group playing music is even slightly out of makes the song sound horrible whereas someone without perfect pitch wouldnt notice the difference.

But this argument to me sounds like something someone without perfect pitch made up...cause their jealous :lol:
Perfect pitch is relative to your geographic location, as peoples ears are configured with different frequencies.

An E to an American is not the same as an E to a Chinese person. Most people cant tell, but with perfect pitch you would detect the tiny frequency hertz difference.

Perfect pitch is very hard to develop, guitarists generally dont develop it unless they are the sad steve vai 12 hours a day types.
fizz6207 said:
I've heard some people say its a "curse" because if someone in a group playing music is even slightly out of makes the song sound horrible whereas someone without perfect pitch wouldnt notice the difference.

But this argument to me sounds like something someone without perfect pitch made up...cause their jealous :lol:

Its true!! haha, my girlfriend is classical musician and has perfect pitch and I was playing acoustic and it was kind of in tune (close enough as I couldnt be bothered) but it grated on her, she couldnt stand she had to tune it. Made me laugh.
Keith! said:
Perfect pitch is achievable to anyone.

Different people say different things regarding whether or not people are born with it.

The Perfect Pitch program basically works like this, well the starting excercises anyway. You take "references", say a metal scream, something easy and listen to it and then you try to here it exactly the same in your head then you transfer what you here in your head to singing the note. A keyboard is handy if you want to figure out what note it is then you just keep on hearing it in your head and singing the note and checking with your keyboard.
Say you figure out the scream is and F#, eventually with alot of practise when you need to sing and F# you just take your reference sound for that particular note, listen in your head then sing it.
nope, that's called relative pitch. perfect pitch is either innate or learned at a very young developmental age
the other guitarist in one of my bands has perfect pitch. has had it since he was 5 or 6 i beleive. the things he picks up on and can hear in one listen, then translate....makes me incredibly jealous.