Perhaps Immortal didn't split up after all.

Nov 23, 2002
The rumours about the split of Immortal aren’t 100% correct.
In fact, IMMORTAL will simply take a long break, as the musicians need to rest a while after 12 months of excessive touring. In the meantime, both Abbath and Horgh will concentrate on their own projects. To start with, the debut album of Grimfist will probably be released in September on Candlelight records, with Horgh on drums. So folks, don’t worry, you know what “IMMORTAL” means ;)

taken from NB

Just saw this on another forum.
I got this from Blabbermouth

Record Label: IMMORTAL Did Not Split Up! - July 21, 2003
According to a posting on the Nuclear Blast Records web site, the reports of a split within the ranks of long-running Norwegian black metallers IMMORTAL "aren't 100% correct. In fact, IMMORTAL will simply take a long break, as the musicians need to rest a while after 12 months of excessive touring. In the meantime, both [guitarist/vocalist] Abbath and [drummer] Horgh will concentrate on their own projects. To start with, the debut album of GRIMFIST [featuring Horgh and ex-IMMORTAL bassist Iscariah] will probably be released in September on Candlelight Records, with Horgh on drums. So folks, don't worry, you know what 'IMMORTAL' means."
Kick ass, this better be true, i was a little dissapointed that they broke up.... they rule, one of my favorite BM bands
I got back from vacation to find out that they had called it quits. Very depressing news indeed. Seems odd that they would do this at the top of their game but I guess they have to do what's best for them. Hopefully it's just a break.