Persefone Removed from ProgPower USA XVI Roster


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
These announcements do not get any easier to write no matter how long I have been in this business. We haven’t had this kind of year since 2009. I cannot apologize enough for the sheer amount of bad luck this year causing havoc. I would ask everyone to realize this year is an anomaly due to a multitude of factors. We had no issues the previous two years and there was no way to anticipate there would be any this year with any band.

Unfortunately, this situation is not a simple as the Morgana Lefay cancellation, although the visa process is once again at the root of things. It is no secret now the USCIS center in Vermont is running 4-6 weeks behind their normal schedule assuming there is no RFE (request for evidence). We technically still have three weeks we can wait to receive these visas and then schedule the mandatory interviews. However, Persefone booked a European tour in June with the assumption they would have completed the interviews prior to kicking off their tour. They cannot complete any interviews while on tour. I requested they wait until after the tour and then complete the interviews as there was still possibly time. I was informed the day job of one of the band members prevents him from traveling to Madrid during that time frame, especially with no specific date to schedule currently. Thus, I am left with no choice but to cancel the band now.

I know these types of explanations are frustrating to you, the fans. There is simply nothing that can be done. In the immortal words of the great American poet, Jimmy Buffett, “Breathe in..Breathe Out..Move On.” Please know that there is no animosity between the band and myself. I truly understand and empathize with their situation. I wish the band nothing but the best and will continue to support them in the future.

A replacement will be announced as soon as possible.

Not meaning to slight Anubis Gate and Morgana Lefay (two great bands), but this is the first one that really hurts me.... :((
Damn Glenn! The last month has been BRUTAL for you!! Can only hope the next 5 weeks are better. Sorry for another issue. Have faith you will get a quality band replacement...but DAMN MAN!!!!
As you've said many times now these things happen Glenn, you're at the mercy of a governing body that is running way behind schedule and other things out of your control, you cannot even be close to blamed for that but you can be given major props on your professionalism and you always seems to bring in a band that is close to or better than the original, that takes alot of work. I am sure you take it pretty hard personally but be at ease knowing that we, the prog power collective have your back :muahaha:

Does not matter in terms of the sheer amount of joy you bring to metal fans each year. While to you it must be frustrating and a nightmare in schedules and changes, at the end of the day you know you feel like you accomplished something for the fans and, hopefully, yourself. If it was easy everybody would do it. Thanks man....
Not meaning to slight Anubis Gate and Morgana Lefay (two great bands), but this is the first one that really hurts me.... :((

Yeah same here. Fuck Fuck Fuck.

I hope prog replaces prog again. I guess an American band would make the most sense at this point.
I can't even begin to know the extent of the frustration you must feel right now. Please remember the YEARS of joy you have brought to thousands of people because of PPUSA, and hopefully gain some solace knowing how much we appreciate your efforts to bring us together each year.

I know this year has been particularly challenging due to circumstances outside of your control, but I have the utmost confidence that you'll have a stellar replacement announced (possibly by the time I finish writing this post - HAHA)
Persefone is Prog?
Progressive death metal, yeah. Not a ton of options to replace them with another prog death metal band, but I'm guessing he sticks to the general prog realm.

Or maybe he just uses that hour to go on a drunken rant about the USCIS. The curtain opens and there are no amps or drums on stage, just Glenn, a microphone, and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Jokes aside, it's another bummer of a cancellation but as with Anubis Gate and Morgana Lefay, it would be foolish to fault Glenn. Sorry you're having such a tough year, especially so close to the fest, but I still can't wait to get to Atlanta!
Thanks PureXul, you get what I'm saying, as broegaard should as well. There are a lot of elements to their sound that is progressive. They're definitely not a power metal band. The point is that a prog band or a band with prog elements would be closer to Persefone than a run of the mill power metal band.
Shit seam to always get great replacements. Hmm....Vangough for the main stage??
Tough times, Glenn. I have been lucky so far as the bands that you cancelled were not of real interest to me or the replacement was considered an upgrade to me. Others, especially those band's sponsors, are very anguished and I empathize with them. I could have easily been on the other side of that fence but for the capriciousness of the metal gods. If Voyager fell into this morass, I would probably openly sob. You are really earning your money this year, but then again I think you always do. Hang in there guy.