Perseid Meteor Shower


The Captain
Jul 13, 2008
Santa Barbara, CA
Despite the 3-word thread title this is not about some shitty metalcore band or about the
new Dimmu album ;)

In August the Earth crosses the path of the comet Swift-Tuttle. While the comet itself is
currently located in the outer parts of the solar system, a trail of debris from previous
visits stretches along its path. On its way around the sun, the Earth will plow through
these clouds of dust particles which will show up as shooting stars when they hit the
atmosphere. The Perseids peak in the night from August 11th to 12th. Comets are
expected on a minute basis around the peak early in the morning. The most spectacular,
however, are the rare 'earthgrazers' which just skim the atmosphere, painting very bright
and long streaks of light on the firmament.

For more details see

I just thought I'd let you guys know in case some of you are interested to spent some time
outdoors during that night. But note that the moon will be up until after midnight and
significantly brighten up the sky (which, in this case, is bad).

Enjoy the show!
Ooooo thank you Captain!
Question? Do I need my telescope to see the comet. I haven't unpacked my lenses yet, but I will if needed. Getting up early for this one!
You don't need a telescope, just your naked eye. Just go outside and look towards the
constellation of Perseus. If you spent some time outside (and you have clear skies, of
course ;) ) you should be able to see quite a number of shooting stars.

Here a combination of individual images where you can see that many shooting stars
(caused by these tiny pieces of meteor debris) can appear:

P.S.: I get my dose of pretty astro pictures by checking apod. The data I am working with
aren't even remotely as pretty but rather unspectacular and not much to envy actually ;)
Just because the picture isn't full of pretty colours, doesn't mean it's not interesting :p
Captain Silly Pants

I have a 101 questions for you. Just haven't listed them, yet :p

So thankful you did give me the link for apod though, I check it everyday and hit the archives when I can. :)

Yeah, 'twas cloudy here, too! Why the fuck am I living here surrounded
by people with a depth it puts a mono-atomic layer to shame, if you can't
even rely on the weather. From May through Oct the sun is boiling your
brain and when you need a clear night it's fucking cloudy .... :mad:

I seriously need to get away from here.....
Yeah, 'twas cloudy here, too! Why the fuck am I living here surrounded
by people with a depth it puts a mono-atomic layer to shame, if you can't
even rely on the weather. From May through Oct the sun is boiling your
brain and when you need a clear night it's fucking cloudy .... :mad:

I seriously need to get away from here.....

HA! At least the people there are shallow.
The people here have lost most of their teeth from lack of personal hygiene.
But say reading is for the devil! Cunts don't read their own bible. White trash preaching religion FTW! :mad:

P.S. Holy off topic!
gaaaaah this happens every year right around my birthday and i always hear about it a couple days later grrrrr

Well, should have checked the forum more often ... :D :p

Since I am already well into the realm of drunk posting I can as well
comment on your signature pic which looks like Oktoberfest. I have never
been there myself (and hopefully I will never be) but I am wondering what
your connection to that pic is...?

Well, that's enough drunk posting from me.... courtsey of Tecate (TM).