Great DVD questions, guys. The best answer I can give you right now is... I'm not quite sure what is going to be covered in the first DVD. How's that!?!
I'm going to keep putting things together until I get somewhere between 90 and 120 minutes of video and data files combined, and that will be the first DVD. If I come up with more tunes and examples for the same topics (such as "multiple 12 tone", the "A/B Switch", etc...) then that topic will be on both DVDs, but have different song examples. As for "bonus" video, I'm already thinking that the first DVD will have the building of my doubleneck (I have to edit over 14 hours of footage) and an animation for "A Morning With Squeakie. The 2nd DVD will probably have the painting of my green/white swirl guitar and an animation for "Sex With Squeakie". I'm still sorting through the bonus ideas too right now, so I have to see what works out and comes together.
I've noticed that most guitar videos are less than an hour long, and most "music" DVDs run between 110-120 minutes. I'd think that the absolute minimum I'd have for theoretic explanations and playing of tunes/songs on one DVD is 60 minutes, probably 90. That would leave 1/4 of the DVD space available for non-playing "bonus" videos (including the guitar building/painting videos, Squeakie animated videos, Multi-Masking video, pdf data files for printing, etc...)
The 2nd DVD will have lots of video for the Blotted Science "The Circle Of 12 Tones" material because that CD is still being written, and there's lots of cool stuff on both Ink CDs and 'Solitarily Speaking' for the first DVD. However, I will have 2 or 3 songs from Blotted Science on the first DVD to introduce the writing idea.
Complete songs? A few possibilities from 'Spastic Ink - Ink Complete' are 'That 178 Thing', 'Suspended On All Fours', and 'The Mad Data Race'. Since the songs are 'Solitarily Speaking...' are so short, lots of them will be covered, including 'Battle Of The Hands', 'Melodramatic Chromatic', 'Snuff', "Sick, Dirty, Sick', lots more...
I'm sorry to say that the DVDs will not be for beginners. I don't want to spend time explaining common music theory when there are already so many other sources/outlets for learning that material. For example, I will not explain things like how many counts a whole note gets, that there are basic triads in major keys, etc.... I will also not explain how to rake arpeggios, and alternate pick. That technique related stuff is on so many other guitar videos already and it's pointless spending time on it and running over it again.