Personal Heroes

There aren't too many people I consider to be real heroes, but here are a couple of mine, and surprise surprise, no musicians made the cut :lol:

Morris Dees - founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center

Martin Luther King Jr. - knew necks were gunning for him and continued his work anyway. one brave bruva

Jesus - threw the money changers out of the temple and was a radical against the establishment. was hardly whisked off to heaven before people were taking advantage of his message for personal gain.

Aaron Burr - he was fucking framed.

that's about it. but surely some of you have heroes of your own, so please outline them.
lizard said:
Aaron Burr - he was fucking framed.

Could you explain this a bit. You don't really hear much about Burr after the duel. I just went on wiki and saw the "conspiracy" section but it's kind of vague. Thanks
I'm kind of joking but after he shot hamilton that kinda ruined his popularity although he gained street cred amongst the black population and wiggers. Then he ALLEGEDLY got involved in a scheme to take over a portion of the Louisiana purchase. As a Burr myself, I am kinda proud that although all families have a black sheep or two, my family's black sheep was a stone scheming killer :loco:

edit: also, I write "BURR" on Hamilton's head on every $10 bill I get so if you ever find one, you'll know where it came from :lol:
haha hamilton, you pussy
Pyrus said:
Bill Hicks.








victor jara
during the coup in chile he was captured and taken to the stadium in santiago, they mangled his hands (he was a guitarist) and told him to sing, so he sang an anthem from allende's unidad popular party and then they machine gunned him...fucking badass to the end!


jorge luis borges

what a fucking literary titan, and an amazing character, probably my favorite author...his work is un-fucking-touchable :worship: :worship:
Bill Hicks

Terry Gilliam

Dave Allen


A man who goes to heaven and St. Peter shows him around? They go past one room and the man asks 'Who are all those people in there?' 'They are the Methodists,' says St. Peter. They pass another room and the man asks the same question. 'Oh, they are the Anglicans,' says St. Peter. As they're approaching the next room St Peter says 'Take your shoes off and tip-toe by as quietly as you can.' 'Why, who's in there?' asks the man. 'The Catholics,' replies St. Peter, 'and they think that they're the only ones up here.'
MFJ said:
just bought the book of imaginary beings, it's fucking awesome
huh, that looks pretty cool, i've actually never heard of it before...i'm just familiar with the short stories. it's funny that so many people here are also fans, i had no idea, but i've always thought there was something distinctly, well....metal about him! so many themes of death, time, the nature of reality, they correspond a lot with themes present in metal music.

Time forks perpetually toward innumerable futures. In one of them I am your enemy.
that's fucking metal :kickass:

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few."

"Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine."

- Shunryu Suzuki


"Those of you who wish to discipline themselves in the Buddha's Dharma must seek true understanding. When this understanding is attained you will not be defiled by birth and death. Whether walking or standing still, you will be your own master. Even when you are not trying to achieve something extraordinary, it will come to you all by itself."

- Master Rinzai