I hope I can buy you all a beer and persuade you to try my favorite shot (a red-headed slut)! It's full of Jäger goodness.
Actually, I think that Thomas and the team have made a good decision to proceed with PP and a good decision to not proceed with the tour. I absolutely love Micheal and am greatly looking forward to his performance on Friday night; however, the tour would not be the same without Roy. This actually works out great for me, because I was not going to get a chance to see them at JAXX in Virginia. Now, I am hopefully of seeing them on the rescheduled tour, famliar with the new album, and with an expection of hearing a lot of the new album LIVE!Plus, I have this great chance to see a very unique one-off show with Micheal!
I find it odd that a few days ago the band announced Roy was ill and Michael would be filling in for the tour, etc... Only days later, they put another announcement out stating that the tour is postponed. What happened within that 2-3 day time span? Don't get me wrong, I am psyched to see them at PP; just curious if anyone knows what caused them to decide not to move forward with Michael for the tour.
I find it odd that a few days ago the band announced Roy was ill and Michael would be filling in for the tour, etc... Only days later, they put another announcement out stating that the tour is postponed. What happened within that 2-3 day time span? Don't get me wrong, I am psyched to see them at PP; just curious if anyone knows what caused them to decide not to move forward with Michael for the tour.
Not that odd, to me it seems like a pretty understandable reaction. You encounter a huge, unforseen problem, you try to fix it as best you can, you realize it's just not working, you give up to try again at a better time when conditions are better. If I was Kamelot I could see myself doing the exact same thing, to be honest. It's human.