Peter left Bloodbath


Sep 23, 2003
I'm sorry to announce you that Peter has left Bloodbath... :erk:
Damned shit, I wanted to see Peter performing with them @ Wacken!!!!

"In related news, Peter Tägtgren has left the band due to conflicting schedules. We thank him for sharing his acclaimed talent and efforts on 'Nightmares Made Flesh'"
I'm not going to visit Wacken so i don't care (i'm going to wff :) ). I think Peter needs more time for Hypocrisy and Pain. 3 Bands would be too many... also for Peter :)
Terrordome said:
Bloodbath sucked anyway. Their first 2 albums tried to capture that "early 90's death metal" sound, but failed. Nightmares was decent I guess.

Man... fuck you. bloodbath rule and resurection through carnage and breeding death rule easily as much as nightmares... "bloodbath sucked"... fuck thats like the gayest thing ive heard in ages
Peter wasn't ever really in Bloodbath, he just did the latest album as a guest type deal. Sort of. I dunno, you go read 90 interviews like I did last week dammit! :loco:

The first EP is brilliant, RTC kinda sucked, but NMF is pretty damn awesome.
the same with mike he was just a guest and only contributed to the vocals he has not rejoined but is only doing vocals for waken
I bought the Nightmares Made Flesh Promo CD
Anders was selling it on ebay
Yes Anders uses ebay
I e-mailed him giving my regards
I did... e-mail him to see if he can help me get Dancing with the dead
because obviously, i might never see it!
Terrordome said:
Bloodbath sucked anyway. Their first 2 albums tried to capture that "early 90's death metal" sound, but failed. Nightmares was decent I guess.

I see the AIDS is strong in you. Bloodbath not only captured the sound of early 90s death metal, if you even know what that is, but made death metal fans shit their pants just from the 3 track Breeding Death EP. The fact that you can listen to a song like "Furnace Funeral" and say they failed at capturing the Entombed/Dismember/Morbid Angel/Malevolent Creation etc sound from the eruption that came from the Florida death metal scene, you are out of your fucking mind.

I would hate to see your cd collection...

Breeding Death was awesome.. Not much more to say, it was a 3 song EP.. it was awesome though, a bit short.

Resurrection Through Carnage was more refined than Breeding Death, the vocals were easier to understand (I guess they got mikael to pronounciate the words better, or he just did it on his own, who knows) but I can actually understand what he's saying. The guitar sound is wicked awesome, it's melodic and awes0mes and has it's own unique identity..

NMF on the other hand sounds like another generic black metal cd right off the bat, but makes up for it with more melodic bloodbath-style stuff... but the vocal sound is different as well as the guitars so it didn't exactly follow in RTC's footsteps which was sad..

But they all rock. There is no 'bleh this sux' when you talk about bloodbath....
Oinkness said:
NMF on the other hand sounds like another generic black metal cd right off the bat.. metal..... in the same sentence?!?!?!? Wow, I uh.....well, uh, must be very, very new to metal, though I know you aren't new to metal forums....

Nightmares Made Flesh is Black Metal? Jesus tapdancing christ, go listen to Transylvanian Hunger, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, Dark Medieval Times, Nattens Madrigal, or Arntor, and then come back and say NMF is Black Metal......

NMF is purely Death Metal, there is no Black Metal influences whatsoever in a single song of NMF, and to say that it is generic black metal, like a fucking newer Dimmu Borgir album or something, is offensive.... metal..... in the same sentence?!?!?!? Wow, I uh.....well, uh, must be very, very new to metal, though I know you aren't new to metal forums....
I said it started out and sounded like black metal, with the blastbeats and stuff... then it changes into death metal - I was just saying, when it starts it sounds like some generic black metal cd.. -_- Calm down, dood.. And no, I'm not new to metal, I grew up on it! x_x

Haha, but you did realize that Peter sang not Mikael, right?
I realized that, but that wasn't my point. The production on the vocals were different, like if they didn't use as much distortion or whatever it was they were using on them.. (the effect on the vocals)

Plus, Tagtren doesn't HAVE to do screamy black-metal-like vocals... he could have kept to the death metal feel and did low growls like akerfeldt did.. He did a lot of low growls on the record but he also did way too much girly squeals! :(