Peter Tägtkvist is a sell out

Mattias the Bitch Boy

New Metal Member
Dec 1, 2001
He doesn't care about his fans. I was once a Hypocrisy fan. Then I told him that I would not like to hear him play techno pop, I want him to play brutal death metal. The bitch completely ignored me, his FAN (I pay his salary!!), and two years later I hear that first Pain album. I was utterly disappointed and will never listen to Hyposcriys again.
Mattias of the Night said:
He doesn't care about his fans. I was once a Hypocrisy fan. Then I told him that I would not like to hear him play techno pop, I want him to play brutal death metal. The bitch completely ignored me, his FAN (I pay his salary!!), and two years later I hear that first Pain album. I was utterly disappointed and will never listen to Hyposcriys again.

dude, your a fucking douche! Peter is the greatest songwriter in today's metal scene. Only people that want bands to stay "brutal" would say something like you just did-FUCK OFF!!!

Peter DOES care about his fans-i just saw him in Denver on this tour, gave him a case of beer (roswell alien amber ale) and he got me in free-i would say he cares about his fans!
What you described is not a sell out for one. Second I disagree with you anyway. I've talked with Peter a few times... he cares about his fans. The only thing I can get out of your response is that you are not a musician. I am a musician and I play in a metal band. However, sometimes theres other creative outlooks that you have to go to in order to express your own creativity. That is why Peter has Pain, imho, it's a way to express creativity in a different way without "ruining" a band as you would say it. He keeps them completely seperate from each other, so I'm not even sure why you have an argument... come to think of it you don't. he's still making Hypocrisy albums that kick fucking ass. I have a side project that is completely different from my band. That's why they are side projects. I'd say, get over it. Bands as bad ass as Hypocrisy don't need fuckhead fans like you anyway.
Firefest9 said:
dude, your a fucking douche! Peter is the greatest songwriter in today's metal scene. Only people that want bands to stay "brutal" would say something like you just did-FUCK OFF!!!

Peter DOES care about his fans-i just saw him in Denver on this tour, gave him a case of beer (roswell alien amber ale) and he got me in free-i would say he cares about his fans!

Sure, bribe him with beer and he'll care about you...
theres a difference between being a fan and telling someone what to do. you have every right to like or dislike what an artist makes. that's what a fan does. but a fan should not have creative influence on telling an artist what to do. if a fan has strong ideas about how to make music they should start their own band.

i can say as well Peter does care about his fans. why should he care about people who aren't fans?
I appreciate Peter for doing what he wants, and I'm sure he's pleased if people appreciate his work - I'm very pleased with what I hear (his music). I find it a fair deal paying money to hear it.

All I know about Peter as a person is of course only through his music and interviews, and I don't know nor really care if he "doesn't care about me". I'm happy with his music, and I hope he's happy doing it. Those who do not find this deal comfortable, can surely fuck off and find their thing elsewhere. What's there to moan about Mattias?
This is some stupid can someone threat an artist by sayingdont make this album or else...fuck that man..theyre musicians and are open minded..For me..I hated Nine Inch Nails. but when I met my g/f...i saw soo many people into them that it was nonsense how many people can look up to this guy..thing is..he makes great music for the people that are into Peter goes..I digged PAIN because after a fan of music not one particular genre of music...I bet you weigh like 95 pounds wear black parachute pants XXL metal shirts with black eyeliner..its typical for a metal kid to say that..but oh well...METAL!!..(if you dont match these damn sure characterize yourself to these kinds of people..)
Mattias of the Night said:
Sure, bribe him with beer and he'll care about you...
FUCK OF u give english people a bad name, not that opend minded are u hahahaha PAIN are fucking amazing
One Inch Man: How drunk WERE you????? I know you, so I understand why you said that (as a joke) but most people here don´t know you. You provocative asshole :p

If someone came to me and said "you can´t do this, you need to do that cause I say so"... what else is there to do than IGNORE?
lumitalvi said:
One Inch Man: How drunk WERE you????? I know you, so I understand why you said that (as a joke) but most people here don´t know you. You provocative asshole :p
hahahaha!!! I wasn't drunk, I used the same misspelling of Hypocrisy that Mattias of the Night dude, obviously while being a provocative asshole. :loco:
Just because you don't like his work in PAIN. Doesn't mean nobody else does. I think that industrial sound on those albums kicks ass.

you suck.
I'd love to meet some of your hypocrisy fans in a dark alley. You've got the talk, but you don't have the walk.

I like Hypocrisy's music and Pain, i haven't really gotten into. But all this childish fighting over stuff that doesn't even matter is just stupid. You guys make me feel like I am looking through the window of a daycare center.
hahaha I think it rules that a lot of people took this seriously.
Mattias of the Night said:
Sure, bribe him with beer and he'll care about you...
Come on! That is FUNNY! And if this dude IS serious, that's even more funny!!!
he probably thought you were retarted and didn't want to watch you go apeshit and start breaking glasses over your head when he said something you didn't like.

perhaps it was for the better he ignored you....