Phantom of the opera!


Apr 14, 2001
For some reason I always skipped this song on the ed hunter cd, and I finally decided to listen to it to see how it compared to Iced Earths version, and its FANTASTIC!
How good is that bit where steve does the bass bit and the tapping comes in? I also love the bit about half way through where its just the guitar doing the little single note riff! This song rules, and I am now going to go buy the album its on (either Killers or Iron Maiden, those are the only 2 I dont have)

On a slightly related note, should I bother playing the ed hunter game? My soundcard doesnt work at the moment, but should I play it when it gets fixed, or should I just appreciate the music and not sully myself with the game? (Ive heard its bad and very hard?)
I think the game really rocks. It is hard fairly hard (i still cant get past the NoB act) but if like Virtua Cop shoot em ups then you'll like has a great soundtrack too :p

My only beef would be that for each act only one song is played and when that song ends it just restarts...a little annoying when the acts take so long to complete.


You mean to say you only just realised Phantom Of The Opera is good? :confused:

:lol: :lol:

idoit. :loco:
Originally posted by Southy
how could you not of known of that brilliant piece of music numbnuts:p


RIGHT, thats it, first its idiot, now its numbnuts...........
In the words of the mighty slayer: The line starts HERE. Ill have it raining blood before you know it.
You wouldnt like it when im angry........... :heh: <---- thats the first time ive ever used that smiley. Wierd. (Anyone remember the incredible hulk?)

Anyways, POTO rules! (haha POTO how funny is that!!!!!! :lol: )

It seems to me that Spawny is copping a large amount of flak, simply because he made one little mistake an didn't listen to one little song.

Well he deserves it! Fancy calling yourself a Maiden fan. Are there other songs you don't know? Run to the Hills perhaps? Number of the Beast? Ring any bells?

Sheesh. I don't know. And to think I actually drew another square on my ballot paper so I could vote for him.
Originally posted by phlogiston
It seems to me that Spawny is copping a large amount of flak, simply because he made one little mistake an didn't listen to one little song.

Well he deserves it! Fancy calling yourself a Maiden fan. Are there other songs you don't know? Run to the Hills perhaps? Number of the Beast? Ring any bells?

Sheesh. I don't know. And to think I actually drew another square on my ballot paper so I could vote for him.

:lol: :lol:

All right thats it! Why dont you vote on this *Points to his arse*
Ive never heard the song "ring any bells" either....... must be on their first 2 albums :p
Yeah you lot just keep it coming, it takes more than really bad jokes and comments to break Spawny! I stand alone now I can see you wont bring me doooooown! hee hee. :D

You people make me sick, you are ALL a bunch of fickle mush heads!

Go listen to The Phantom Opera Ghost by Iced Earth. Everyone knows its better! :p
"All we are sayyyy-ing, is give Spawn a chance..."

OK, so he didn't know Phantom of The Opera, but he made up for his ignorance and also the travesty of skipping past a Maiden track apart from Judgement of Heaven by listening to it and sharing his opinion :).

Weren't we all oblivious to Phantom's existence at one stage or another? I, for example, had never heard it until that fateful day in 1987 when I borrowed Live After Death from the library. It just took Spawn a while longer, and we should all be relieved that he's seen the error of his ways.

Go in peace, your sins are forgiven you.

Originally posted by Wrathchild

but he made up for his ignorance and also the travesty of skipping past a Maiden track apart from Judgement of Heaven by listening to it and sharing his opinion

:eek: :eek: Judgement Of Heaven is one of my favourite songs from the X-Factor! The opening lyrics are fantastic.