Phantom of the opera!

Originally posted by Wrathchild
"All we are sayyyy-ing, is give Spawn a chance..."

OK, so he didn't know Phantom of The Opera, but he made up for his ignorance and also the travesty of skipping past a Maiden track apart from Judgement of Heaven by listening to it and sharing his opinion :).

Weren't we all oblivious to Phantom's existence at one stage or another? I, for example, had never heard it until that fateful day in 1987 when I borrowed Live After Death from the library. It just took Spawn a while longer, and we should all be relieved that he's seen the error of his ways.

Go in peace, your sins are forgiven you.


Have a wowwypop Wrathy my friend :D :lol:
Judgement of Heaven has always irritated the bejesus out of me for some reason. It's OK about halfway through, but I can never manage to stick with it that long. The intro is so ploddingly simple that I could play it, and aside from being bloody awful, the lyrics don't scan properly. Blecchhh!

My faves from The X Factor (and yes it *was* a good album) are:

Sign of The Cross
The Aftermath
Edge of Darkness
2 AM
The Unbeliever (why isn't this one more popular? It's great!)

The Unbeliever is unpopular for the same reason you don't like Judgement Of Heaven. It simply doesn't sound right to me.

The X Factor is great!
Originally posted by Wrathchild
"All we are sayyyy-ing, is give Spawn a chance..."

OK, so he didn't know Phantom of The Opera, but he made up for his ignorance and also the travesty of skipping past a Maiden track apart from Judgement of Heaven by listening to it and sharing his opinion :).

Weren't we all oblivious to Phantom's existence at one stage or another? I, for example, had never heard it until that fateful day in 1987 when I borrowed Live After Death from the library. It just took Spawn a while longer, and we should all be relieved that he's seen the error of his ways.

Go in peace, your sins are forgiven you.


I've though about this for a while, and I've made up my mind. For a while, I thought you made a good point, but no, Spawny can still go and get fucked. Phantom's on too many releases and bootlegs to have been totally ignored for this long. I mean, it's on the first album, it's been released as a single, it's on ED Hunter, it's on Best of the Beast, it's on Live after Death. It's not as though it's an "Another Life", which I've only got in my collection once. The fact that he skips tracks isn't the issue, hell when I put NPFTD in I skip every track and eject it again. (here we go again :) ) It's the fact that he's skipping it and he hasn't even heard it!

And I mean go an get fucked in the nicest possible way, mind you :p This topic seems to have brought out the nasty, spiteful side of my nature.
Originally posted by phlogiston

I've though about this for a while, and I've made up my mind. For a while, I thought you made a good point, but no, Spawny can still go and get fucked. Phantom's on too many releases and bootlegs to have been totally ignored for this long. I mean, it's on the first album, it's been released as a single, it's on ED Hunter, it's on Best of the Beast, it's on Live after Death. It's not as though it's an "Another Life", which I've only got in my collection once. The fact that he skips tracks isn't the issue, hell when I put NPFTD in I skip every track and eject it again. (here we go again :) ) It's the fact that he's skipping it and he hasn't even heard it!

And I mean go an get fucked in the nicest possible way, mind you :p This topic seems to have brought out the nasty, spiteful side of my nature.

:lol: :lol: This thread makes me laugh my arse of every time I
read it. But onto more serious things.......

Right. LISTEN UP YOU LITTLE FREAKS. I like whatever I want, I skip whatever I want (whether its a jumprope, hopscotch or a song) Noone tells me what I can and cant like, *I* decide what I want to do and I dont do things just because some idiot tells me to. Im me and you can ALL go get fucked :D

All hail Spawny! :D You know you love me :)

Besides, I dont have the first album, I dont have live after death, I have best of the beast but its scratched and doesnt work and I dont have the single. But I dont care anyway, I like it NOW and thats all that matters. :headbang:
Originally posted by spawn
Noone tells me what I can and cant like

What if you met Jon Shaeffer in the street and he said "Blessed Spawn, go and listen to Winger. They are fantastic. Kip is my hero." ? :confused:
Originally posted by Sydo

What if you met Jon Shaeffer in the street and he said "Blessed Spawn, go and listen to Winger. They are fantastic. Kip is my hero." ? :confused:

Im only seventeeeeeeeeeeen, Ill give you love, like you've never seen! :lol:

Im a little confused as Jon telling me to go listen to a band because they are great isnt any different to someone here doing the same thing, so i probably WOULD go and listen, but if he told me to jump off a bridge I wouldnt do it, does that answer your question? :D

*Blessed Spawn* :lol: :lol:

Go to the nevermore board and check the "nevermore sold out" thread too Sydo :D
Originally posted by spawn

Right. LISTEN UP YOU LITTLE FREAKS. I like whatever I want, I skip whatever I want (whether its a jumprope, hopscotch or a song) Noone tells me what I can and cant like, *I* decide what I want to do and I dont do things just because some idiot tells me to. Im me and you can ALL go get fucked :D

Besides, I dont have the first album, I dont have live after death, I have best of the beast but its scratched and doesnt work and I dont have the single. But I dont care anyway, I like it NOW and thats all that matters. :headbang:


Aside from that though, I've had some sleep now and I'm over it. Although I do suggest that you go and get LAD as soon as you can. That's high on your list on your next Utopia visit, 'K?
Originally posted by phlogiston


Aside from that though, I've had some sleep now and I'm over it. Although I do suggest that you go and get LAD as soon as you can. That's high on your list on your next Utopia visit, 'K?

:lol: The little freaks bit was a quote from leopold!

Ive got Live after Death on vinyl but I just wanted it because the covers cool! I havent actually listened to it.
Ill get the cd then next trip to utopia (whihc is tomorrow!) as long as its there. Also as long as I remember.... :D
It does have children of the damned on it though, which must be cool :D
I meant the "Run To The Hills" one. It's got a Phantom cover though, so I'm always forgetting that it's not Phantom.

But my point still stands. Or at least it would if I still gave a toss.
I had a T-shirt of that single cover many moons ago, and I can see why people would think it was Phantom on the A-side :). Damn fine piece of artwork though...

Re the issue of whether or not you still give a toss, I think a quote from my favourite 20th century philosopher (Garfield the cat) is in order:

"Never confuse being lazy with being apathetic... Lazy people care, we just don't do anything about it."

Spawny you are virtually a lost cause! :D "Live After Death" is the definitive live metal album, perhaps even more so than "ALive in Athens", which it predates by more than a decade, and "Unleashed in the East", which is heavily overdubbed. That you have not listened to it is almost a crime punishable by being forced to listen to 'Fear is the Key' repeatedly for several hours. :D
Originally posted by Goreripper
Spawny you are virtually a lost cause! :D "Live After Death" is the definitive live metal album, perhaps even more so than "ALive in Athens", which it predates by more than a decade, and "Unleashed in the East", which is heavily overdubbed. That you have not listened to it is almost a crime punishable by being forced to listen to 'Fear is the Key' repeatedly for several hours. :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: Just keep em coming folks :D