Phase Adjuster Unit - thoughts?


clip the apex
Dec 29, 2005
Just saw an add in EQ for a new product from Radial

Basically two inputs, with a 0-180 degree phase adjustment knob (or 181-360 when phase reverse switch is hit in) and then the outputs. I'm thinking this could be a life saver on setting up overheads in less than conventional ways, or just when pretty much using multiple mics on the same source.

Any thoughts? Useful tool, or gimmick?
Littlelabs has had a device out designed for this for a long time now... I think a couple people here have 'em, it does sound pretty useful! Would make it easier to dual mic a guitar cab for example and you wouldn't have to sacrifice positioning for phase...
Are there any plug-ins to do this in the box with something that's already been recorded? I mean, sure there's the old "slip the audio around" trick... but something with knobs and saveable presets would be cool.
yeah, it's called a delay ;)

I guess you can use a delay to do that, but it's not as direct of an approach as a dedicated phase adjust plugin would be. I wouldn't trust most delay plugins to let the sound through undoctored, and it would take some tweaking to get the delay to behave this way.
I guess you can use a delay to do that, but it's not as direct of an approach as a dedicated phase adjust plugin would be. I wouldn't trust most delay plugins to let the sound through undoctored, and it would take some tweaking to get the delay to behave this way.

you can even use a delay to get a nice panning-effect (try it, works great and is somewhat different to the panner (that works with volume-differences only...(remember....the ear(brain) is using runtimedifferences as well to localize sounds))..

has nothing to do with the topic though ;)

but you're right of course, using a delay-plugin for that is probably not the easiest option ;)
I use the IBP from Lttle Labs on guitars sometimes but it's not the secret weapon. Sometimes it works, but very often a simple phase reverse button is all you need.
But you guys know that there's an IBP plugin for the UAD card right? There's also a freeware plugin called Phasebug as far as I remember.

Except that won't help you while you're micing the amp. You might have found the perfect balance of 2 mics, but it's ruined by phase. Instead of running back to your DAW, you could have the phase adjust knob right in front of you.
I looked at the Little Labs IBP, but the Radial is cheaper and basically does the same thing. I would much rather have an analog solution rather than relying on software to correct the phase. I want to hear the result immediately. That's just me....
I looked at the Little Labs IBP, but the Radial is cheaper and basically does the same thing. I would much rather have an analog solution rather than relying on software to correct the phase. I want to hear the result immediately. That's just me....

I think everyone would, but it all depends how much you're willing to spend for that convenience! Reaper has a bunch of real-time phase correcting plugins that come included with it, so that would do fine for me - or just quickly re-amping a lick with the mics possibly out of phase, adjusting the phase with the plugin on one of the tracks during playback if necessary, and then seeing how it sounds; if you also note how the individual mics tend to sound when well placed with each other, it'll probably become pretty second nature! (I can't say this from experience with this particular thing, but I know for single-mic'ing it's gotten to the point where I pretty much know the best spot without having to labor too long over it)