phil speaks

tom warrior said:

No, the mental illness diagnosis came AFTER the gun was bought. A lot of people keep mixing this up.

You can't just blanket-blame the Mother without knowing her. I actually feel a little sorry for her, knowing that forever her name will be linked to a psychotic murderer.
Firehead said:
No, the mental illness diagnosis came AFTER the gun was bought. A lot of people keep mixing this up.

You can't just blanket-blame the Mother without knowing her. I actually feel a little sorry for her, knowing that forever her name will be linked to a psychotic murderer.
I agree but perhaps she's a nutjob herself.
Just read what Phil said. I hate to say it but I hope he's really done with music. After talking all that shit on Dime and Vinny, I hope he retires. Most of us don't know 100% of the facts but to turn around and talk shit on a friend, band mate and brother is beyond fucked up. It seams like at every SJR show he had somthing negative to say about the brothers.....Then again you can hardly understand what he says anymore. If Phil fucks his brain up just a little more he'll make Ozzy look like a fucking genious...
If I was Anselmo I'd go straight edge while I can still tie my own shoe laces.
I'm one of the very few that's going to come to Phil's defence. I think his last 2 sentances speak for themselves. "I hope you're happy, heavy metal music magazines, media, I hope you're happy. I'm done." When you take the time and think about it, the media has feuled the feud between Dime/Vinnie and Phil. People are acting like Phil dosen't have the right to speak highly of Dime because of the shit that's been flung from both parties in the past couple of years. You cannot be friends/bandmates with somebody as long as Phil and Dime were and cannot be devastated by something like this. The media had a hard-on everytime Dime/Vinnie or Phil said something about eachother, and they took everything way out of context. I'm not defending the comments Phil made a few weeks before the murder, but you cannot deny the fact that the media blew the feud between Phil and Dime way out of proportion. No matter what was said about who, Phil's comments in his statment makes it clear that Dime was a brother to him, and everything that the media reported was pure shit talk. The media is a stong thing, and in this case, it was harmfull.
Cryptkeeper said:
I'm one of the very few that's going to come to Phil's defence. I think his last 2 sentances speak for themselves. "I hope you're happy, heavy metal music magazines, media, I hope you're happy. I'm done." When you take the time and think about it, the media has feuled the feud between Dime/Vinnie and Phil. People are acting like Phil dosen't have the right to speak highly of Dime because of the shit that's been flung from both parties in the past couple of years. You cannot be friends/bandmates with somebody as long as Phil and Dime were and cannot be devastated by something like this. The media had a hard-on everytime Dime/Vinnie or Phil said something about eachother, and they took everything way out of context. I'm not defending the comments Phil made a few weeks before the murder, but you cannot deny the fact that the media blew the feud between Phil and Dime way out of proportion. No matter what was said about who, Phil's comments in his statment makes it clear that Dime was a brother to him, and everything that the media reported was pure shit talk. The media is a stong thing, and in this case, it was harmfull.
For the most part I agree but it was only after Dime's death did Phil apologize. What really sucks is he will never get to make amends. Personally I to pitty him.
feuds between splitup bands always existed, this one was just another one, but at the end of the day when a friend dies, everything that happened prior to the incident becomes meaningless. There is no need to keep the rage going anymore, instead everyone should try to unite more than ever bcs of it.
prime666 said:
For the most part I agree but it was only after Dime's death did Phil apologize. What really sucks is he will never get to make amends. Personally I to pitty him.
It does suck that he never got to say his true feeling to Dime in person. I honestly believe that Phil always loved Dime like a brother, and all that was said prior to his death was just purly shit talk. But, that's just what I belive, I can't speak for Phil himslef.
i just wanna say i agree with cryptkeeper im fucking drunk BUT CRYPTKLEEPER IS THE FUCKING MAN i mewan for crying out loud i lvoe this man he's a fucking stand up guy ya know what im saying, christ man. i liuver a hardecore fuckign life man.- cyrptkeeper rules
What's this guy patric blowing you or something??
Sorry Crypt, But I couldn't resist...That's the first time on this forum I've ever seen one male member profess his love for another...Dude you're in the state so let me know if patric starts stalking you or something and we'll break out the rifles and go fag hunting!!!

Cryptkeeper said:
Wow. Thank's Patric.
T_man357 said:
What's this guy patric blowing you or something??
Sorry Crypt, But I couldn't resist...That's the first time on this forum I've ever seen one male member profess his love for another...Dude you're in the state so let me know if patric starts stalking you or something and we'll break out the rifles and go fag hunting!!!
:lol: I think we're just big fans of Phil. And he did say he was drunk.
T MAN what tyhe fuck i have very influential friends fromt he hells angels and whatnot so feck off for gods sake i have a bigger dick than you and oh you wanna get fucked up ill fucking kill you
Is this post in english??? I'm sorry dude but I seriously doubt that
Hells Angels members would be hanging out with a pussy like you.

"and oh you wanna get fucked up ill fucking kill you" OOOOOOOHHHH you can't
see it but I'm really scared after reading that post. Just the thought of some internet toughguy actually getting up from behind your keyboard scares me to death.....Grow up Faggot!! I was having a little fun with my pal Crypt at your expense and if you don't like it,Give your influential friends a call and while you're
at it.....GO FUCK YOURSELF!!

Patric said:
T MAN what tyhe fuck i have very influential friends fromt he hells angels and whatnot so feck off for gods sake i have a bigger dick than you and oh you wanna get fucked up ill fucking kill you
ooooh wow patric aka i cant defend myself so i gota call my cousin's bestfriend's uncle's coworker buddy who works at the shop downtown to ask the hells for some help. grow up dude and defend urself u fuckin drunk.