Philosophical Thread

As long as I feel my person and everything around me exists within rational and testable confines, philosophy and nihilism can gag on a bouquet of dicks.
I occasionally enjoy reading other people's philosophical ramblings, but I don't really have any of my own. I am perfectly comfortable having no idea why or how I'm here...if I am here.
As long as I feel my person and everything around me exists within rational and testable confines, philosophy and nihilism can gag on a bouquet of dicks.

tell me your person?

your saying that the love and wisdom of anything can suck a cock...i would have to disagree with that. the love and wisdom of ANYTHING can have a meaning and yet you say according to your "rational & testable confines" which you don't even explain can suck a dick?

i wish you would explain in greater detail. Please correct me if i'm not getting something here.
You read it wrong, I'm too drunk to care to explain.


Have some flowers for your trouble.
Love and such experiences are generally chemical signals in the mind designed to crate a sense of monogamous fidelity and want to mate. They just found a gene in males that keeps them from wanting to settle down. This doesn't make any of it less fascinating or reduce the value of feeling those emotions, on the other hand, it makes them of greater value knowing the only thing driving you to love someone else is a bond created by a very specific chemical combination.

Now back to me talking about Ptolemaic incest and Greek swear words with Matt.
Love and such experiences are generally chemical signals in the mind designed to crate a sense of monogamous fidelity and want to mate. They just found a gene in males that keeps them from wanting to settle down. This doesn't make any of it less fascinating or reduce the value of feeling those emotions, on the other hand, it makes them of greater value knowing the only thing driving you to love someone else is a bond created by a very specific chemical combination.

Your right...."the love and wisdom" and in your case you say "love" then you go into the scientific ways of how a male can reduce the feeling of those emotions but the created and in a very specific chemical combination....welcome to your hormones. What is natural in inevitable...sexual attraction?

you already know.

"VALUE" of feeling ANY emotions wheither its sexual or not, does not always require a certain chemical combination...maybe in the brain yes because you feel that way but what drives you to feel that certain way? chemical combinations? is that how a human can think?

I definatly see your "scientfic" way which does bring up many questions...but what you get the "chemical combination" had to of began with something...what was that? again i bring up "what is real?" whats real is simply what you can touch, which is nerve's sending messages to your is "Emotion" or a drive of a certain chemical combination in which you mention.