phone and wallet stolen..


beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
from inside my flat, whilst me and my flat mate were inside.

i mean wow. what the fuck. i was convinced i'd just lost it, until my phone started logging in from different places when checking e-mail.

seriously, i'd gone for a shower, my flat mate was cooking, then when i get out, it's fucking gone.

we'd left the front door open.. was pretty hot, and.. well, there was 2 of us inside for fucks sake!

just walked in and grabbed it.


the best part - my contents insurance covers all my recording equipment, but explicitly does not cover ipods and iphones (all other mp3 players and phones are fine though). ugh.

just wanted to rant.
I was at a buddies apartment one time, years and a few friends were like 17-18 years old, we'd go hang with my friends brother who was in his 20's and in college and part of a fraternity.

We partied it up all night, ended up chilling with 2 neighbors who happened to be of some indian decent or something....maybe they were Rastas, I forget...

Either way, I was about to cook some Chef Boyardee crap that I had set out on the counter, when the dudes invited us next door to smoke pot. So we go, smoke, come back to find our 3 cans of Chef Boyardee turned into 2. One of the dirty fucking neighbors creeped out while we smoked pot and went next door and stole 2 cans of fucking raviolis.

That. Just. Happened??!?! REALLY??!!!?
from inside my flat, whilst me and my flat mate were inside.

i mean wow. what the fuck. i was convinced i'd just lost it, until my phone started logging in from different places when checking e-mail.

seriously, i'd gone for a shower, my flat mate was cooking, then when i get out, it's fucking gone.

we'd left the front door open.. was pretty hot, and.. well, there was 2 of us inside for fucks sake!

just walked in and grabbed it.


the best part - my contents insurance covers all my recording equipment, but explicitly does not cover ipods and iphones (all other mp3 players and phones are fine though). ugh.

just wanted to rant.

You left it open as in unlocked, or as in literally open?

Sucks to hear that, I would cry if my iphone was stolen
door was wide open :|

i guess ahjteam is right - insurance probably wouldn't have covered it anyways (although you could argue having 2 people in the flat warrants having a door open - it could have as easily been a window or whatever), but the insurance company explicitly don't cover ipods and iphones..

fucking annoying.

i've given the IP address and the time to the police.. i guess it's in their hands now..!
we usually open the door when cooking (fire alarms are very sensitive). the kitchen is an open plan type, and is 2 or 3 meters away from the front door. the flat itself is pretty small.

we live in a closed off area, off the street, with a large ish private front garden, there are 6 other flats around us.. it's really not something we thought could happen to us.

anyways, the police were able to get an address from the IP.. i might end up getting my phone back!

ps, socialnumb, your lols only make my penis harder ;)