My bag got stolen at work WTF

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
I was working as a camera-man and my bag got stolen in the TV STUDIO !?!?!

A crazy fat guy (looked like the comic-book seller from simpsons) got into the studio said hallo to everyone and stuff.

when we started shooting I put my bag to the others and went to the camera, in that one minute (he got kicked out because nobody knew who he was when the production started) he got it and a camcorder of the producer.

When I saw that dude in the day-break I thought to myself. Dont judge people from their looks... (1,9m dude, around 200kg, long filthly blond hair, discusting teeth)

and then this motherfucker stole my back.

With my wallet (all my credit cards, and stuff, around 100€)
my pullover
my iphone (so including mostly all my emails, contacts and stuff)

People saw him commin out of the building with a bag, looking exactly the same as mine.


ps: my provider told me I got NO protection against theft so my all incl. insurance can suck my balls.......

I am going to kick in some doors if the provider wont give me a new phone
My bag was found by an older man yesterday. He wrote an email to a friend (I got some paperwork with his email adress on it in my bag) that he found it.
The email arrived like 2 hours after that shit.

I gonna pick it up later today.

GUYS WISH ME LUCK, maybe that son of a cunt only went for my money and didnt find that iphone
No Iphone and NO wallet in the bag but the cigarettes :bah: .....

I dont get, why didnt he take them too?

Talked to the police and the bag is now in a plastic bag, maybe they wanna go CSI on it ?!?!?!
:( suck man, try the mobileme thing, could track iphone and most likely that guy too. best of luck!
Wow, that really sucks man. Sorry to hear it.

+1 to the tracing your phone with MobileMe or something. I'm pretty sure that you can still track it down regardless of if you've set it up. You could probably call Apple and ask them to trace it, as they know your location most of the time (in my experience anyway).
Sorry to hear. I bet the police hold onto your bag for a long time too. The whole evidence thing is insane over here in the states, I know that for sure. My brother was robbed at gunpoint by some assholes and long story short - his wallet was evidence, since there may have been fingerprints on it. The police held his wallet for MONTHS.
Man i fucking hate shit like this.

I dno what i'd do if i had my iPhone stolen =[

I hope this is all sorted soon thou buddy !
goooood news:

my Iphone is covered by my insurance . I made one for all my studio gear (its called electronic insurance) and just called them to ask, if there is any possibilty it would cover my lost.
So the answer is YES. I have to pay 150€ of the new price by myself because of the co-insurance by the insured , but it means that I get around 450€ :D

I need a fucking iphone but AUDIO G.A.S. is commin up :D