Photos of places you like!


New Metal Member
Mar 9, 2004
yes! i know.. is a idiot topic..
but why not post pics of places you like? places you have so much fun! some vacation, a good moment in a house of friend, etc etc..
places that you can feel really good, and you want to be in there always (when is possible of course :tickled: )
shake your bones baby and use your imagination.

ps: sorry for my bad english ehueheuhe

here some of mine




This is Old Riopar town, in the south east of Spain. There was born my grandma. Nobody lives in this place, only in holidays. This place is a "ghost town".
We can see the Romanic Church built in the late midle age (XV century) and the small cementery. Its a beautiful place...
I can´t put the pic here...
Here is the link to the pic if yow want to see it. Thanks

Today it is a very sad day for the Spanish town. A terrorist group, not yet knows if ETA or AL QUEDA has attempted in the capital against students and workers. At the moment 196 people have died and has more than 1200 wounded ones. Let us condemn the terrorism, is equal in all the parts of the world.

By a world peacefully and freedom.
Barrabas said:
I can´t put the pic here...
Here is the link to the pic if yow want to see it. Thanks

Today it is a very sad day for the Spanish town. A terrorist group, not yet knows if ETA or AL QUEDA has attempted in the capital against students and workers. At the moment 196 people have died and has more than 1200 wounded ones. Let us condemn the terrorism, is equal in all the parts of the world.

By a world peacefully and freedom.

Hey Barrabas, i saw the notice of the attacks in TV today... i feel so sad with this.. one more time innocent blood is on the ground.. :cry: today is not a sad day only for spain but for all the world... the madness must cease..

it´s a beautiful pic!
One of my favorite places is here near lisbon. This is Sintra take a look at these pics. :)


As you can see arab people were around here too.



Nice isn't it? ;)