Photos, photos, photos....more photos from JAXX


Kid with red shirt and rediculous look on face in front of Warrel- My friend crazy dave

Directly to his left in the white shirt, very long hair- me (Ellis)

Directly to my left- Jeff Loomis asshole clone
i left before nevermore came on, i had a perfect spot upfront infront of where jeff was gonna be. i got pushed out of my spot by some big mother fucker for no reason at all. i got real pissed, i thought to myself. ive seen them before and i have school the next day so i just decided to leave. im still real pissed off about it though, i mean god damn im fucking 15 and 5 3. i waited in line since fuckin 1:30 that day so i deserved my spot. it pisses me off about these fucking assholes in the world
No one laughed at my Stone Cold Steve Austin gag.

You all eat penises for recreational purposes. :mad:
parabola5353 said:
i left before nevermore came on, i had a perfect spot upfront infront of where jeff was gonna be. i got pushed out of my spot by some big mother fucker for no reason at all. i got real pissed, i thought to myself. ive seen them before and i have school the next day so i just decided to leave. im still real pissed off about it though, i mean god damn im fucking 15 and 5 3. i waited in line since fuckin 1:30 that day so i deserved my spot. it pisses me off about these fucking assholes in the world

damn that was you?! If you read back in the thread, you'd see me and FretsAFlame ranting about the same asshole
parabola5353 said:
i left before nevermore came on, i had a perfect spot upfront infront of where jeff was gonna be. i got pushed out of my spot by some big mother fucker for no reason at all. i got real pissed, i thought to myself. ive seen them before and i have school the next day so i just decided to leave. im still real pissed off about it though, i mean god damn im fucking 15 and 5 3. i waited in line since fuckin 1:30 that day so i deserved my spot. it pisses me off about these fucking assholes in the world

That really sucks man. I was there right next to you, I was the guy in line right near you with the long blonde hair and the crazy friend if you remember me. You were wearing the Nevermore "Godless Endeavor" shirt right?
heres a pic with me and trey at the morbid angel show. this is the best pic i could find of me, although at the nevermore show i was not wearing a beanie

Oh ok, yeah I think I recognize you. That guy was an asshole, sorry you got tossed out.

I made my way pretty close to the front for a bit, ended up anchoring derick to me by like... hugging him - I didn't want him losing his spot for my sake :lol: