Photoshop fun.


speedy meatmonger
Jun 9, 2002
Gothenburg, Sweden
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I recently started to experiment with photoshop a lot, especially in the school i go to. where i need to make veeery weird pictures to get a A.:confused: :confused:

give responses.
and ill try to get better. :grin:

Original picture:

redone picture.

my goal seemed to have been to make them as gay as possible.
be nice.:p
Hehe... I like how you moved the hand so it touches that dude's hip... Maybe if you made the spot where the hand was originally more realistic, there's a black spot on the dude's shoulder that looks pretty bad. Nice pink highlights you gave that other dude. The shirt is total crap though... the original one looks a lot smoother and has more detailed shadows and everything... plus the white collar line in your redone pic looks really bad.

I'm just wondering... how gayer can you possibly make them look? Even in the original picture you can tell they're flaming homosexuals from a mile away. Especially the dude in the middle.
dammit i didnt notice that black spot on the old spot.... crap.
but the guy to the right, i had to do something, but i couldnt come up with anything good...

hahahahah cool pic. :lol:
I just noticed that what's-his-name on the right could have just a little plastic surgery and be a really hot chick. How awesome is that?
the possibilities are endless, although we've got Coreldraw rather than photoshop...
our web guy found a picture of a boy in a sailor suit, put our database guy's head on him, and then inserted our sysadmin behind him with his hands on the sailorboy's hips like he was buttfucking him...absolutely hilarious.

and there's no end to the fun you can have with pictures of hitler.
The one in the middle...well,you could've put the hands of both guys on either side of him on his ass,then give the guy really leather pants and have him crossing his legs.Or you could've put them all in sailor suits,or tank tops.
the only problem is that theres only one hand visible....
and btw, the guy in the middles leg ARE already crossed. no editing done...

but the dress stuff i might give a thought. only problem is the text and how i mix it nicely in...