Picking and weird harmonics.

Worth noting is that 5th fret and 7th fret are sitting on some of the most harmonic producing areas of the guitar neck.

Also Sturgis very openly has talked about how he punches in many riffs chord by chord, sometimes one at a time to get things as perfect, tight, and in tune as possible. Its fine if thats the style you want to be going for and in terms of clarity it has its merits, but also note that not everyone is doing this as rule. Some of the charm of alot of classic metal recordings is in the little noisy imperfections and it sounds cliche but just because things can be perfect now does not mean they always should.

Finally, if you have your action set very low or just kind of low it could be contributing to your ability to control the harmonic content of chords as you move them around. I play with my action considerablely higher than most of my friends, and when I go to play there guitars i find it difficult to play as cleanly as I can on my own. This could just be a me thing though.
Sander. I don't hear the harmonic you were talking about. To me it sounds just fine. I do, however, like what you came up with in the second link you posted. I'd like to do some vocals on it or anything else you have if you're down. I was the vocalist for this band: http://youtu.be/lF2-DD0rXqU for years. I have a set up I can do vocals at my house. please msg me if you're into it!

Sander. I don't hear the harmonic you were talking about. To me it sounds just fine. I do, however, like what you came up with in the second link you posted. I'd like to do some vocals on it or anything else you have if you're down. I was the vocalist for this band: http://youtu.be/lF2-DD0rXqU for years. I have a set up I can do vocals at my house. please msg me if you're into it!


Thanks for the offer, but it's not my song. I just "produced" it
I also had this problem on my schecter v with tonepro. I got some fretwraps and put that on just before the nut (close to the tuners) and the problem has completely gone.