Hey folks,
I'm curious as to which pickup positions people are using for what applications, and if anyone's got some neat tricks they use as far as mixing it up a bit. Is there a widely-accepted norm as far as the pickup switch releates to rhythms, shredding, and solos? I generally stick to bridge setting for rhythms and neck setting for leads [EMG 81(n)/85(b)], and I'm happy with the sound, but also curious as to what works for you guys, and if anyone has some neat tricks for combining different sounds.
I'm curious as to which pickup positions people are using for what applications, and if anyone's got some neat tricks they use as far as mixing it up a bit. Is there a widely-accepted norm as far as the pickup switch releates to rhythms, shredding, and solos? I generally stick to bridge setting for rhythms and neck setting for leads [EMG 81(n)/85(b)], and I'm happy with the sound, but also curious as to what works for you guys, and if anyone has some neat tricks for combining different sounds.