Pickup Shootout Duncan vs. DiMarzio: Gojira Clip Content


Frozen Sun Audio
Nov 19, 2010
Swapped the bridge pickup in my Strat with one that was lying in my drawer for years unused. I spent a little more time on these clips than I usually do for my blind comparison clips. Enjoy the music and tell me which you like better and I will reveal the answers soon. I will say that I am very pleasantly surprised at the results of this venture!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8838613/Ocean Planet A2.mp3
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8838613/Ocean Planet B2.mp3

Guitars only:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8838613/Ocean Planet A Solo.mp3
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8838613/Ocean Planet B Solo.mp3
Track "A" has more gain and sounds softer and a bit muffled. I like "B" more because of his roughness. But both aren't perfect in my ears. Maybe track B with more gain?
Track "A" has more gain and sounds softer and a bit muffled. I like "B" more because of his roughness. But both aren't perfect in my ears. Maybe track B with more gain?

Can't argue with that. I actually like the bit of mud that A has though, it works for this clip anyway.
I edited the original post to include guitar only clips as well, just to make this a more rounded comparison.
To my highly untrained ears, B sounds like a Seymour Duncan JB. I've got a JB installed in my Yamaha so I really hope I guessed right.
Obviously, it's a matter of personal taste but I think B is better. In general, I've found that metal guys prefer DiMarzio over SD, though.