Pickup Suggestion in an alder body

I've had a few duncans in an alder bodied guitar (invader, custom, fullshred) and of those the custom had the most versatile tone. Invader was good for really dirty tones, but not much else and the Fullshred sounded too thin in an alder body. So another +1 for the duncan custom
Haha hmm... Depending on your amp, I'd be inclined to go SS.

I know Necrophagist's Epitaph was all Custom (for the rhythms), and James Boyd has a clip of the SS on his myspace.

Clips aren't great for telling differences in pickups, though, as the rest of the chain makes way more of a difference. I'll even go as far to say that the individual player makes a bigger difference than the pickup used.

Could anyone hazard a guess as to what the closest 7-string pickup to the SS would be? I was thinking of a JB for my Jackson DR7 but now I'm leaning toward the Custom again after reading this. I have an SD Distortion in the bridge right now (way better than stock pickup) but it still falls short of what I'm asking my cheap guitar to do.
Could anyone hazard a guess as to what the closest 7-string pickup to the SS would be? I was thinking of a JB for my Jackson DR7 but now I'm leaning toward the Custom again after reading this. I have an SD Distortion in the bridge right now (way better than stock pickup) but it still falls short of what I'm asking my cheap guitar to do.

The Blaze is supposed to be a 7-string SS, or as close to one as you're gonna get without snagging Petrucci's old MusicMan OEM pickup.
Haha hmm... Depending on your amp, I'd be inclined to go SS.

I know Necrophagist's Epitaph was all Custom (for the rhythms), and James Boyd has a clip of the SS on his myspace.

Clips aren't great for telling differences in pickups, though, as the rest of the chain makes way more of a difference. I'll even go as far to say that the individual player makes a bigger difference than the pickup used.
My amp is a PODX3LIVE - can't change that for quite a while so... Still the same suggestion?
By clips, i was hoping for both DI's and processed stuff...

ofc there's the bareknuckle route as well....although that's covered in another thread recently
Sorry , those are again too high priced....


So, i seem interested in the following (some sort a shortlist) -

1. Duncan Duncan Custom (SH-5)
2. Duncan Alternate8
3. Steve's Special
4. Super Distortion(? why do you say these are perfect for metal?)

The duncan custom (sh5) seems to be winning by popular opinion it seems...
awesome clip and info...
but that clip (and comments on the sh5 vs sh15) are made in a heavy mahogany guitar while mine is a relatively light alder guitar... so i don't know how much to take from them..
Pickup suggestions? I'd suggest not taking suggestions from people who think that the species of wood a solid body electric guitar is made of would suggest which electrical pickups to use.