Pickups for Ibanez S


doing it for the kids
Aug 20, 2007
Cleveland OH
So Ive had this Ibanez S2020x sitting around for the last couple of years collecting dust.
I bought it on a whim, back in like 2001, thinking of how light the guitar was, how awesome the piezo system sounded and the floyd double locking trem was cool too. Not realizing that it would be a poopy rythem guitar, which is what i was basically playing back then. So now Im getting into lead playing again, and I want to throw some new pups in it and give it another go for a more specialized usage (lead playing), I play in a band thats stylistically shooting for something along the lines of old Tool, Deftones, BTBAM, justice era metallica..., I play through a dual rec, The guitar is made of Mahogany, maple neck, rosewood fingerboard. The body is SUPER THIN and filled with all sorts of crazy electronics for the piezo system, so I would like to keep the pickups passive, I really dont want to lose any more mass than I started with. I like the way SD jb's sound in thick Les Paul style guitars, and I like emg 85s as well in thick mahagany guitars, but I dont know if it would be the best bet for a high gain sound in a guitar with such little mass. any ideas, or suggestions.
hell yeah, the d activator looks like it would be right up my alley, the only dimarzio's ive ever used are the shitty stock ones that came in this ibanez, so ive never really used the more specialized stuff, from what the site says its got a pretty flat response with a slight treble spike which seems appropriate, seems like they go for cheap enough new too.
I originally had an EMG 81 in my Ibanez S and I did not like it. It did sound good, but its not my cup of tea for the style of music I play. I bet an 85 would sound amazing in it. I then went to a Duncan JB which I liked just fine, and now I have a Duncan Distortion in it which I like just fine as well. I'm kind of crazy when it comes to gear though and I want something that I absolutely love. I think I'm going to try the Deactivator in it when I get back into town next week. Either that or a Dimarzio Super Distortion. I love the Super Distortion in my ESP.

Rex, I would also love to hear how you like the Super Distortion in your SZ.
Sure! Will more than likely post a clip too... dunno if today, tho... I will have it installed today also, but this is my first time taking an axe for a pup swap, so I dunno how long it's gonna take... :)
wow, seems like its unanimous on the super and the d activator. thanks for the feedback Rex and Splatt, funny though, all the ones floating on ebay are like pink and green, haha, I just took a good look at the old Ibanez, and the hardware, the bridge especially is tarnished as shit, like minor corrosion, Im not to worried about perserving the gun metal black but what is the best way to work that out ?
I have my SZ with the Super Distortion... I really really like it! The tone is very full, yet very very tight and defined. Not dark or muddy at all, but not harsh in the top-end by any means... The pickup is also hotter than I expected, which is a good thing in a way... I've had very little time to mess with it, tho, so a fuller review + clips soon to come!
I have my SZ with the Super Distortion... I really really like it! The tone is very full, yet very very tight and defined. Not dark or muddy at all, but not harsh in the top-end by any means... The pickup is also hotter than I expected, which is a good thing in a way... I've had very little time to mess with it, tho, so a fuller review + clips soon to come!

Cool. Perhaps I'll just get the Super Distortion for my S instead of the Deactivator since I know what the SD is capable of.