Pics from the M'era Luna Festival 2006 -

RashomoN said:
Who is she?
Metal head87 said:
I'm sorry. Amsterdam girls suck. They are all sluts and whores (hence the reason I love them). All non Amsterdam Dutch girls rule.

not all of them are sluts...just the ones in the windows in the red light district:grin:
RashomoN said:
not anymore.....

If I am not wrong......she is now with a german guy.....
someone told me it is Kamelot's keyboard player.....i'm not sure.....
whoever he is.....he's a lucky guy......

I think Kamelot has an album by the name of Epica...
coincidence? I think not:lol:
paradoxile said:
I think Kamelot has an album by the name of Epica...
coincidence? I think not:lol:

:) are right.....
but Mark picked the name Epica, when was with Simone, as a couple....

then they started working together in several occasions.....
Kahn (Kamelot's vocalist) was a guest in Epica's second album....and Simone was a guest in Kamelot's last album.....they also performed together in gigs.....

and one thing led to another.....
paradoxile said:
not all of them are sluts...just the ones in the windows in the red light district:grin:
Well when I go to Amsterdam, I don't think I would even step foot out of the red light district. I'll have a glass of high alcoholic ale in one hand, a big fat joint in the other and a couple of "morally challenged" women in my arms. Hopefully, they'll even be women that I won't have to pay for.
Kamelot, they actually have a couple of good songs. Well actually, the only song of their's that does not put me to sleep is Call Of Mephisto. That's the one with Shagrath from Dimmu, but that's not the reason I like the song.
Other than that, they are really boring. Their songs don't seem to really reach a climax. It takes way too long to build up to anything and when it eventually starts to, the song finishes.
Metal head87 said:
Well when I go to Amsterdam, I don't think I would even step foot out of the red light district. I'll have a glass of high alcoholic ale in one hand, a big fat joint in the other and a couple of "morally challenged" women in my arms. Hopefully, they'll even be women that I won't have to pay for.

contrary to what many think...there isn't really much to do in the red light district except hitting the brothels and it's pretty pricey unless you want some skanky whore for like 20 euros...for a classy shag prices range upto 3000 euros. you can get booze and weed every 2 feet in amsterdam and when having a girlfriend costs considerably less and you can have sex with her pretty much whenever you(both) want for free.
I don't really care about hookers anyways. I would pretty much go there to smoke weed that I didn't get from some shady dude on the street or to drink absinthe that a friend of mine didn't have to send me poured into some other liquor bottle.
Plus, since weed is legal there, I would think that it's more pure. Over here, they put lots of shit in it so that they can give you less of the valuable stuff.
Ilan- could you get me a copy of that demo? I have been with te band since day 1, but I dolnt have that demo.
Offtopic> I went to the Epica gig in the Hague last night to say goodbye and wish them good luck for the USA tour.
This gig waas excellent! They hada bellydancer there that also danced with snakes, was playing with fire and walked on glass! Simone was wearing 3 different outfits during the show- one being a nice red belly dancer costume with a cloak. Reminded me of the Therion show.
There were also 2 other dancers and a lof of fireworks on stage and to top it all off THEY PLAYED A NEW SONG! - never enough- the sound of the guitars was more 'modern' than the other songs you know from Epica. I shouldnt say too much, think I am supposed to write a review.

If you are living in the USA, you should definatly go and see their show. And tell them hi from me!
Even if I was an Epica fan, how would I meet the band to say hi?:lol:

If I am a fan of a band you know, I will be more than happy to meet them and tell them you send regards. I am just that nice a guy:Saint: